Nero Menu problems : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Can anyone advise me if I'm doing something wrong? Using tmpenc mpeg2's I load into Nero for SVCD creation and 6 thumbnails menu finally worked in this latest version. (In all my testing of I couldn't get six until this latest update) Now I tried to use the 8 thumbs menu option and NO MENU to be found by my DVD player. It plays each mpeg after the selection # is pressed but what the #$!"? Anyone know how to workaround this one?

Thanks in advance for any help,


-- Ron Royster (, November 05, 2001


I have never made a menu, so I can't help fix your problem. However, I do have some suggestions. is a web site by a guy who uses Nero for SVCD and he does make menus. He might have some suggestions on his web site. Also, there is a SVCD forum at and a lot of people there know how to make menus. If you post there, you might get some help. If you post in the forum, please make sure you specify if you are working with PAL or NTSC video. In the recent past, Nero had serious problems with menus and NTSC video and while I think these are now fixed, it really can make a world of difference whether you are using PAL or NTSC.

-- Jason (, November 05, 2001.

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