friends still around? : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

hey y'all (smile)..well i'm back and free to hang out some in the evenings. joe and i've been playing some chess but so far the only person to wander through is wash (waves to wash). anybody else still around? hope so! ~N

-- Medea (Noelle) (, November 05, 2001


"Hi Medea and other exilers. I wander about occasionally . Hopefully I will virtually bump into you sometime. Gyps.

-- gyps (, November 17, 2001.

We also float in from time to time but seldom see the old gang. And the dates for get togethers never seem to work for me :-( Ahh well.. hope all of you are well and enjoying life.

I hope we catch up again!

-- Caesaria & shadowninja (, November 24, 2001.

I'm still around too. Just made a couple of South Park Christmas gestures. Hope to see some or all of you soon!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, November 25, 2001.

Hey you!

After time even I've stopped in. Email me when you're going to be on. We can chat like old times!


-- Fates (, November 28, 2001.

Hey everyone. Chipgirl and Drizzt are doing fine. I finally graduate from college on Dec. 14th and I've already got a job lined up as a Training Specialist for 13 Libraries in Kansas City. We're looking for a bigger place than what she's in now and finally start living together for good (weekend relationship suck, ya know?). We'll make it offical on April 20th. *grin*

I don't think either one of us come into VP very much, just basically IM and email with some of you cool people. Just email me if ya want to get ahold of either one of us and I'll pass the word around. *grin*

Love you all! Drizzt and Chipgirl Chris and Dale Elaine

-- Drizzt of Exile (, November 29, 2001.

I have to go Christmas shopping today but I'll be online, in Vplaces chat late tonight, probably after 9 p.m. Central Standard Time. I may be testing gestures. If I don't see you please shout or jump up and down or throw some cheese at me or something!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, December 02, 2001.

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