Video Cd to Audio CD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I want to record songs from a VCD to my hard disk. Also I want to record songs from my cassette to my hard disk. How do I do it ?? Is there a tool ??

Please email me on my eial address.

Thanx, Sridhar

-- Sridhar (, November 03, 2001


From VCD to hard disk: I tried it on my PC and will probably work on yours. On the bottom part of your screen, 2click on the "speaker" icon to bring up the Master Volume Control window. Click options... properties...then select recording. Uncheck the line in and microphone items and check the CD and Post-Mix items. Then close the window. Open the WIndows SOund Recorder program (under Programs...Accessories...ENtertainment) and set properties to CD quality recording. Play your VCD from your CD-ROM and make sure you can hear the sound. Before the music begins to play, click the record button on the SOund recorder and it will be recorded as a .WAV file. There are a number of free downloads to rip your wav file into MP3 to make the file smaller.

TAPE to Hard Disk: You need to connect the line out of your cassette player to your PC sound card's line-in. You will also need to change the settings on your Master Volume COntrol (check the line-in item) and adjust the volume. You may use the same procedure as above or use another program. Check the ADAPTEC website or ROXIO.COM.

-- ian (, November 05, 2001.

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