Right-Hand Focus?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Hello List Members I am just curious as to how many of you routinely focus using your right hand? Incredible as its sounds, I managed to cut-off the top of my left thumb (maybe a good 3\16")with a utility blade last weekend. I can probably palm an M camera in my left hand and focus with my right. Or maybe I'll stick to the wides and not worry about focusing so much. I'll give it a try this weekend. Just thinking out loud. Best Regards, and be safe. Richard Fulco

-- Richard Fulco (calcinc@mn.rr.com), November 02, 2001


Losing the tip of your thumb sounds painful but should not be a problem focusing because on most Leica wides there is a focusing tab which you use the inmdex finger for. For other lenses like a 50 or 90 you can have tabs added on by Leica and others.

-- Steve LeHuray (icommag@toad.net), November 02, 2001.

Remember the line 'Dr. it hurts when I do that.' 'Well don't do that then.' I cut my thumb in almost the same way with a chef's knife chopping carrots after a glass or two of wine. A padded bandage and some advil and I was able to focus my cameras pretty well. It was terrible on my golf game though. Kept bleeding through the bandage and I had to apply some general aenesthetic to finish the round. Just bandage up well and go out and focus. Cheers.

-- don (wgpinc@yahoo.com), November 02, 2001.

I lost most of the use of my left hand due to a stroke several years ago, and was a Leica zone focuser/Nikon AF-er until i learned from Lutz how to put cable tie focusing tabs on my Leica lenses. Now I hold my M3 in my right hand with only a slight brace from my left and focus it with my right middle finger, previously useful mainly for poetic self-expression. For Lutz' 10-cent solution look here: http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=005HY9

-thanks, Lutz!...............

-- david kelly (dmkedit@aol.com), November 02, 2001.


You're welcome and I'm happy it works for you, too. But I'm more than willing to share the credit with Jack Flesher, who inspired me. Thanks, Jack!

-- Lutz Konermann (lutz@konermann.net), November 02, 2001.

I too had a stroke three years ago which resulted in bad use of my left hand etc. That is why I ended up loving tabs. Maybe why I ended up loving wide angles, but I'm not sure here. I prefer 21mm - 35mm lenses anyhow. I often use my right hand to focus, too, holding my M6TTL in the left hand. Never had any problem here. Sticking to focusing, especially with a 21, you'll never have to worry about anything. Your thumb cut-off (which I'm sorry about) will heal, but my stroke won't. I still don't see any problems here with right-hand focusing.

All best wishes, Mike

-- Michael Kastner (kastner@zedat.fu-berlin.de), November 02, 2001.

I use a grip and a wrist strap. With this combo, it's pretty easy to hold the camera, focus and shoot all with my right hand.

-- Steve Wiley (wiley@accesshub.net), November 02, 2001.

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