Band of Brothers VCD? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Where can I buy Bands Of Brothers(HBO's Moives)VCDs?

-- Weiya (, November 01, 2001


In Europe these series will be for sale on video (DVD?) in the second half of next year (2002). Some people offer shared AVI-files on the net, of which you can make your own VCD (DivX codec). Either keep patient, or try finding these AVI's on the internet.

-- Marc (, December 04, 2001.

You can get Band of Brothers in SuperVCD format from the newsgroups they are great quality, almost DVD you cant tell the difference when watching them on the tv

-- NoName (, January 18, 2002.

Try at Kazaa, you can find all the episodes

(by the way ... im looking for the captions of all band of brothers episodes, any idea?)

-- Stebing (, March 11, 2002.

If You Want Some Episodes Of Band Of Brothers Go On My Ftp.. I Only Serve SVCD Copies (Close Enough To DVD As Your Gonna Get) If I Dont Have What Episode Your Looking For I Dont Have It On Svcd If You Have An SVCD Copy I Dont Please Upload.. port 21 login = bob password = bob

please help this ftp out and let everyone have the full set.

-- Niaboc (, May 04, 2002.

Try yahoo! auctions, i found mine there and there almost DVD quality, there like VHS but a little better.

-- Adam Arvig (, May 13, 2002.

I tried the ftp, can't login, what's up?

-- NE (, May 16, 2002.

Where Can I get English Subtitles for all ten episodes of BoB ??

Can anyone help me? thanks!

-- NetWalker (, July 15, 2002.

Try ebay!

Hey anyone... I got BoB from Kazaa... but it has no sound... what codec/s do I need?!

-- blah (, September 26, 2002.

I've seen BoB in both Pro Logic and DD5.1. If you can wait for the DVD and have the right equipment, I highly recommend it. The sound design is some of the best that I've ever heard (and sound design is what I mostly do) and hearing it in Pro Logic just doesn't do it justice (like the sound is 'out of focus').

The sound field in the battle scenes was so realistic that my wife made me turn it off at one point. :(

-- No One (, September 26, 2002.

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