Flash Sync

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I am a newbi to the M after many Nikon years. I have an M6 TTL. Can the flash sync speed of 50 be used as a regular shutter speed (w/o a flash attached), if I want that little tweek of just less then 60? Thanx...

-- Bob Stevens (matlaw@hargray.com), November 01, 2001


Hi Bob,

yes, you can. In fact the Leica M is the only camera I know where you can set 'intermediate' speeds between the marked ones. This only works between some shutter speeds, not all, but I forgot where I got this info from. Maybe someone else ? If I remember right the ranges where this works are 1/2-1/15 and 1/30-1/60.

But keep in mind that this is alway relational to your real shutter speeds, mechanical shutters are always a bit off.


-- Kai Blanke (kai.blanke@iname.com), November 01, 2001.

1/50 can always be used (even without a flash) just like any other timings. It always worked for me. The "Instruction Manual" says that all other imprinted timings can be used, but not any values between them (like you however can with all aperture values). The only way to make sure what happens here is to try it out first. (I should follow my own advice here)

-- Michael Kastner (kastner@zedat.fu-berlin.de), November 01, 2001.

>>>the Leica M is the only camera I know where you can set 'intermediate' speeds between the marked ones.<<<

The shutters of the old Leicaflex cameras may also be used between marked settings, except for 1/4~1/8 sec and 1/30~1/60 sec. Other cameras that allow intermediate mechanical settings are the Nikon DF2 at any speed faster than 1/80 sec, and any camera with the Copal Square shutter, like the Nikkormat FTx series, at any speed faster than 1/125 sec.

-- Douglas Herr (telyt@earthlink.net), November 01, 2001.

>>>Nikon DF2<<<

oops, that's the Nikon F2.

-- Douglas Herr (telyt@earthlink.net), November 01, 2001.

The intermediate speeds can be used but the meter of the M6 cameras is only set to read the indented settings. Estimate the intermediate speed you need but remember, after you set it, the meter is no longer showing an accurate reading. The intermedite speeds are not available between speeds where the shutter mechanism is switching from one gear train to another. So they are not available between 1/8 and 1/15; and, between 1/30 and 1/60 (except for 1/50). I believe the M5 will meter the intermedite speeds but I am not sure on this.


-- John Collier (jbcollier@powersurfr.com), November 01, 2001.

I use 1/50th a lot to "cheat" to a more hand-holdable speed when the meter calls for 1/30th at f/2 (e.g.) Seems to work most of the time. I'm glad to see the listing of which 'teen' speeds can be used - the slow speeds always sounded this way to me, but I wasn't sure.

-- Andy Piper (apidens@denver.infi.net), November 01, 2001.

Another thing I forgot to mention is that intermediate speeds are not calibrated and do not necessarily produce linear results. For example, setting the shutter speed half way between two speeds does not necessarily give you an actual half stop difference.

PS: The SL and the SL2 will meter using the intermediate speeds.


-- John Collier (jbcollier@powersurfr.com), November 01, 2001.

.. and for the trivia lovers ...

Minox subminiature cameras with mechanically timed shutters (Riga, II, III, IIIS, B, and BL models) can all be set to intermediary shutter speeds and the settings are linear and predictable from 1/5 second to 1/1000 second.

Electronically timed Minox models have stepless shutter speeds on automatic mode but only the marked settings when set manually.


-- Godfrey (ramarren@bayarea.net), November 01, 2001.

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