Here Comes the Gestapo : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Homeland Insecurity

A Sacramento journalist is taken into custody by police and forced to destroy photos and notes by an over-zealous National Guardsman who had no authority to act as he did - other than a paranoid attitude and a gun. What the journalist went through is UNbelievable! If you want an insight as to how our liberties are wantonly being thrown out the window, be sure to read the whole story.

-- Food (, October 30, 2001


You're right. This is UNbelievable! Why, before 9/11, this kind of treatment by the police was reserved for colored folks!

-- Little Nipper (, October 30, 2001.

LOL, LN. That WAS a scary story. Thanks, Food.

-- Anita (, October 30, 2001.

In a report of ACLU published on 11/13, topic "Caught in the backlash", there is such a story.

Charlotte Wu, a 20 years old student of UC Berkley, was visited by 3 policmen of camps about one month after 911 last year. It's about 30 minites after she finished a phone call. In phone call, she instructed her friends how to play an internet game. It's a spy game. Player must put bomb at the foot of wall to break it. Policemen questioned her why she talked about spy and bomb on the phone. At last, she had to go to her friend's place with police to clarify it. Lucky enough, her friend was still playing that spy and bomb game. Charlotte Wu never talked to policemen for all her 19 years experience. (She was 19 then) She was very scare and wonder how could police know what she said in phone call. Policemen didn't explain.

She may never know her phone is under surveillance if she hadn't talked about spy and bomb.

-- Kat Hak Sung (, November 17, 2002.

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