Replacing rangefinder : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Please give me the names and e-mail addresses of repairmen who are capable of replacing a rangefinder on an M2. Anyone have an idea how much it would cost and whether M2 parts are still available? Thanks.

-- Dennis Couvillion (, October 30, 2001


Here are two URLs with recommended repair resources:

I have had a quite a bit of work done at Kindermann Canada and can recommend them highly. A new viewfinder assembly is going to run somewhere in the $600US range. It will come with a six frameline mask set which they MAY be able to put your three frameline set into if you want (your M2 serial number has to be higher than 105 xxx or have been changed before).

It also may be possible to repair your old viewfinder however few people are doing this sort of work anymore. The last place I know of is:

Hopefully other people can provide more places doing viewfinder repair.


-- John Collier (, October 30, 2001.

I have had both my M2s upgraded to M4P by Sherry Krauter. With the M4P you get less frame clutter and also seems to be flare free.Will be about $600 for completely new rangefinder. Sherry is at 845-496-8834 she is in upstate New York.

-- steve LeHuray (, October 30, 2001.

Hello Dennis,

I had my rangefinder of my M2 adjusted about 8 years ago. As far as I know the later models of the M2 have in principle the same rangefinder as in the M6. I even had the mask for the frames exchanged in order to have the same frames as in an M6. Unfortunately I don't have a adress in the US, I always send my bodies if they need adjustment to a retired Leica mechanic in Switzerland, but this is obviously no solution for you. I would give it to a certified repair service. Have fun and good luck. Johannes

-- Johannes Fleischhauer (, November 01, 2001.

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