Salmon: when biology becomes law you get these strange situations : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

The article, which deals with an important problem to development in the PNW is here:

Salmon and development

What do you think?

Best Wishes,,,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (, October 29, 2001


The article seems to me rather scattered and not very informative. It tells me that a court made a decision, contrary to all previous court decisions, based on some kind of scientific evidence.

Trouble is, the article doesn't explain what evidence the prior court decisions were based on, or how the new evidence in this new decision differed from that prior evidence, or what the risks might be if the new court decision is wrong, or what the rewards might be if the new court decision is right.

Other than that, the article is peachy keen and very informative.

-- Little Nipper (, October 29, 2001.

Lil Nip -- Judging from your analysis of the presentation, news in general must drive you absolutely crazy nowadays.

I keep waiting for the reporter to ask the obvious pin-down question and it almost never happens at the aired press conferences.

And two years ago I remember all the research on why doxycycline was better than cipro for anthrax, only to endure days and days this month of cipro! cipro! cipro! followed finally by doxy! doxy! instead. aaagh. where were these reporters over a year ago, when they should have been doing homework on how to ask questions?

-- Oxy (, October 29, 2001.

I'll tell ya one thing, it slowed up these long haired Haaavard grads with thick glasses tellin us we need to breach these dams in the Northwest to save these fish that are such in abundance now. Probably won't quiet the tribes down because they're still drinkin fire water. Like I said if the Salmon don't return up the Columbia we can always go to the supermarket and get it.

-- Boswell (, October 30, 2001.

Lil Nip:

If you are confused, the author did a great job explaining the situation.

It is difficult to type. A small kitten has been hanging around outside. Obviously one that has been liberated by the owner. We let him in last night. Very nice kitten. Unfortunately he keeps taking off and landing on the keyboard. You would be suprised who many times x can be repeated in one of these dialogue boxes. He is hungry and I can keep him occupied so I can work by giving him food. Eventually, though, he is going to explode.:)

Best Wishes,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (, October 30, 2001.

"Lil Nip -- Judging from your analysis of the presentation, news in general must drive you absolutely crazy nowadays."

I guess that accounts for this irritating tic... and while we're on the subject, who stole my strawberries?!!??

-- Little Nipper (, October 30, 2001.


Ahh, but the strawberries that's... that's where I had them. They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with... geometric logic... that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox DID exist, and I'd have produced that key if they hadn't of pulled the Caine out of action. I, I, I know now they were only trying to protect some fellow officers...

Ball bearings clicking

-- (, October 30, 2001.

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