more than 99 pictures on a VCD with menu enabled ? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


I'm using Nero and I want to create a VCD with pictures. If I disable the menu, I can have a slide show with more than 99 pictures. If I enable the menu, it will not accept more than 99 pictures. And I want menu and more than 99 pictures. There is a workaround for this ?

Thanks, Bobo.

-- Bogdan Bezman (, October 29, 2001


There is no get-around because White Book dictates that a menu can not point to more than 99 choices.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, October 29, 2001.

Bobo, have you try VCDImager ? a little bit hard but it can be done, i think... it says can store up to 1980 segment items.


-- arman (, October 31, 2001.

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