Dennis Olson: : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

I just finished reading all 77 posts at your forum, and it was the best laugh I've had in a week.

Dennis, tell me something. Do you honestly believe I would register over there as "LadyLogic"?

I have never tried to register over there because I have absolutely zero interest in a bunch of people who are afraid of their own shadow. I'm not even all that interested in this place, for that matter. Now that I think about it, I have never ever read anything over there until today. What you did was ban Hawk posing as me...which is a good thing! I also want you to know you are blocking other 'friady cats...and that's a good thing too!

So, please, go back to your forum and tell your members they can get out of their bunkers and go back to their layettes. ;o)

-- You know (Who@I .am), October 28, 2001


By the way, Helen and Alf are right. Warren was, but caved. I think it might be a good idea for you to take counsel from them instead of Dead-brained Ed. However, you are the boss over there and have to do as your conscience tells you. Please don't forget what influence you have over those poor souls.

Take care.

-- (Who @I .am), October 28, 2001.

Oh, and one more thing.

I'm sure Hawk will get around to this thread soon and post with the handle "Who@I .am". I've pretty much said all I want to say, so disregard any future posts in this thread that aren't along the lines I've already posted.

-- (Who@I .am), October 28, 2001.

Poor ol' FatOlson, a guy who never missed a meal or disbelieved a conspiracy. At the first sign of trouble, the fat-one went running for the hills by not allowing new members:

"I didn't just close membership because of her. She was only 50%. The OTHER 50% was because of the "Greenspun is dying" thread posted on Unks. I figured that many of the filthy, foul-mouthed trolls from that cyber-sewer would try to get into TB2K and turn it into the same kind of troll-nest that Unks is."

As if anyone would want to join a place where the forum creed is: "the sky is falling the sky is falling" Witless, sanctomonious boobs...

-- Buff Body (, October 28, 2001.

Yeah, Buff. Why is it that some people think Lusenet is going down? Phil probably has this server sitting in a room somewhere and pays absolutely no attention to it until someone let's him know there's a problem. However, his brother's pages (among other things) reside on it too, so there is no reason for him to shut it down.

I think Dennis is just using that as an excuse to keep his board closed. (Chuckle) What he doesn't know is I took a look at the names of the members over there and recognized two of Hawk's other names. He still has the fox in the hen house, and is keeping out other chickens.

Gotta love it. ;o)

-- (Who@I .am), October 28, 2001.

Question : Who the hell cares about what YOU think LL?

I post both here and there and I already think your a psycho.

I dont care what YOU think. Keep your ass in Pheonix freak.

You somehow have lost the right to post over on timebomb I have not. AKA YOU SUCK.

LL you have lost everything. You have nothing. If you DARE post over at TB2K trust me.. i WILL OWN your ass. Back the fuck off now.

-- (, October 28, 2001.

I'm sorry but I think there has to be some middle ground between how downright nasty some of you here are and the milktoast(sometimes) atmosphere over there. If I have to choose, I prefer polite company to trashtalk but I like honest conversation much better. I'm not saying it doesn't happen here and that trashtalk doesn't happen over there from time to time but they are a much more polite considerate bunch than usually hangs out here. I come here for other perspectives and I think that a lot of what I read is at least entertaining if not informative. I am not in favor of these instant bans and lockdowns because someone with a reputation, or an impersonator, tries to sign up there. If after they start posting they become a problem then can them. Did anyone read the thread started by Sherri recently? Nothing objectionable about it at all and she gets jumped by the second reply. That is a crock of shit and I tried to make my opinion and the reason for it plain. They can't forgive the past for some reason. I don't think they should forget it but not to forgive it keeps one living there all the time and prevents one from moving on.

Just my nickles worth(adjusted for inflation)


-- Just Passin Through (, October 28, 2001.


It's nice to see you show up. You are one of the three or four people over there that still has a couple of synapses firing. (Unlike the uber genius who posted before you.)

"If I have to choose, I prefer polite company to trashtalk but I like honest conversation much better."

As you already stated, there is some honest conversation going on over here. However, I suspect the conversation is better at Unc's saloon. You might want to ask him for the password.

"I come here for other perspectives and I think that a lot of what I read is at least entertaining if not informative"

That's a pretty smart thing to do, however, what kind of "news" do you think you will find at either place? You really don't go to chatrooms for credible news, do you?

"I am not in favor of these instant bans and lockdowns because someone with a reputation, or an impersonator, tries to sign up there."

Watch out, bud. You are going to be branded as a troll and end up like me someday. ;o)

"Did anyone read the thread started by Sherri recently? Nothing objectionable about it at all and she gets jumped by the second reply."

I didn't read it but I don't have to. When some people disagree, it doesn't matter who's right or wrong, it only matter that they get their digs in.

"That is a crock of shit and I tried to make my opinion and the reason for it plain."

Good for you. You are one of the few people I've met on the Internet who has guts enough to do that. But, like I said: watch out. If having a conversation with those people is important to you, you probably better go back and apologize.

Take care and be careful. There are some nasty people out there! ;o)

-- (, October 28, 2001.

If I get banned, I probably didn't need to be there anyway. What I can't figure out in one case is that I basicly bashed the bible in the same way as Sherri did and no one said a word to me about it. I have put forth and pushed a theory about chemtrails that shows them to be a natural byproduct of airtravel and basicaly debunk some of the less provable consiracy stuff. I demand proof and get yelled at and called stupid and blind for it. Don't get me wrong. Some people over there are reasonable and most are likeable but... And I really don't have anything against Dennis. I think you all have given him a hard time over the baby thing more than enough considering the news accounts of the incident. This looks to me to be one of those things where both sides continue to prod and nothing ever gets resolved because of a lot of anamosity and preconcieved notions. I'll keep riding the fence and reading and posting like I have in the past. Both places have value to me for differing reasons.



-- Just Passin Through (, October 28, 2001.

"I think my perspective(but not my spelling) is better than most everyone posting to this thread because I have at least tried to analyze the situation and draw conclusions rather than react in a panic."

First off, no one is saying your going to be banned or should be banned from TB2000. You stated your opinion, but it's lacks truth, experience and factual information. Before launching a tactical defense in favor of LL, you should have studied the facts, sought out truth, and then gave your opinion based on your findings. No need to back peddle now. All you have to do is say, "I'm sorry, I was misinformed, misled, whatever." But the truth is everywhere about LL. Whether you want to see it or become one of her several victims, the choice is yours. Above all else, you can choose to ignore it. Wherever you have drawn your "conclusions" from, I am sure it has been a shallow search for the truth. There's far too many people who have testified to LL's demonic threats. You Alf are the next.

-- (, October 28, 2001.

Funny. ALF spells just like the Lady Logic troll. HAHAHahahaha

-- (LOL@LOL.LOL), October 28, 2001.

On this forum, Dennis Olson goes by the name of J.

-- (just@being.helpful), October 29, 2001.

Hmmm LOL@LOL.LOL you got a point there. Perhaps Alf IS the Lady Logic Troll?

Would not Shock me one bit. Perhaps a little bird told me that Alf also was the person who registered the name LadyLogic over at TB2K. The IP addresses did match seem to be close.

People need to stop this war between tb2k and here. It's stupid and serves no purpose. Alf I think you know who I am talking about, Grow up and stop this crap. Leave LadyLogic alone and just stop.

-- (, October 29, 2001.

What war?

Dan V.

-- Jimmy Splinters (, October 29, 2001.

"On this forum, Dennis Olson goes by the name of J."

FatOlson goes by many names here - all the better to disrupt in his usual sanctimonious way.

-- Buff Body (, October 29, 2001.

Buff Body,

Dennis Olson may or may not go by many names here; I do not know. He does not go by J (Y2J@home.comm), as that is my handle, and I am not him.

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), October 29, 2001.

**I** am J.

-- helen/ielen/jelen/kelen (omni@vorous.brains), October 29, 2001.


Why do you think so many people think that you and Dennis are one in the same?

-- Jack Booted Thug (, October 29, 2001.

I'll bet Anita knows if J is Dennis or not.

By the way, in case someone misses it, is Hawk.

-- A rose (By, October 29, 2001.



Jack Booted Thug,

It has been rehashed ad infinitum, but the main reason is that I vehemently criticized a poster for calling in the Wisconsin DFS when Dennis Olson had opened his home to the now infamous newborn and his young mother. When I later revealed that I, too, had opened my home in late 1999 to two youngsters (siblings, not mother and son) who had no place to stay, that was all that it took for some of the local braintrust to conclude that I was Dennis Olson. Oh, I almost forgot, his full name is Dennis J. Olson, so the fact that I go by J was irrefutable proof that we were one and the same. : )

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), October 29, 2001.

For someone who is supposedly not Dennis Olson, he shares all of Dennis' deeply held and rather unique opinions. For instance, both Dennis and J think that Timothy McVeigh was a patriot hero and that the adults who died in the OKC bombing deserved to die because they were government employees. They both think it's a shame that the kids in the daycare center died, but they also think the kids got in the way and that's just the fortunes of war. It's hard to imagine there are many people out there who share that opinion. Both Dennis and J have used the same vocabulary in debates (for instance both have referred to opposing posters as "old man") and have the same tendency to flame on spelling and grammar. J also claimed to have taken in teenage mothers without the involvement of the state in the same scenario as the Dennis Olson baby auctioneer affair just before the rollover. Both live in the midwest, both have claimed to be Mormons, though now J is claiming to be a fundie.

How much more do you need?

-- (just@being.helpful), October 29, 2001.


On two occasions, J has sworn on a stack of Bibles that he is not Dennis. Now, regardless of your opinion of Dennis, I don't think he would lie. :))

Best Wishes,,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (, October 29, 2001.

I think you should also mention that J and Dennis occasionally go apeshit and start threatening other posters. When this happens they both brag about how many guns they own.

-- (, October 29, 2001.

anonymous coward,

You lie about my opinions of McVeigh.

I have, indeed, referred to Tarzan as "old man". Of course, he is an old man.

It is also true that I often take posters to task for poor spelling and grammar. When attacked personally, I find it quite appropriate to belittle the ignorance and/or stupidity of those who butcher the language.

Have someone read my earlier post to you, I took in siblings, not teenage mothers. Another lie.

I have never claimed to be a Mormon. Again, a lie.

I can't vouch for what you say about Dennis Olson, but I can easily see that much of what you say about me is false.


You are so terribly witty. :)))))))

Don't you have to conduct a microbiology experiment on Martian life-forms, or meet with the President, the Pope, and Britney Spears tonight? Or are you going to outrun a Maserati on your moped, which, of course, you paid cash for, and you only drive because it handles so well?

anonymous coward #2,

I have never threatened another poster. Does posting cowardly under an anonymous handle somehow force people to lie?

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), October 29, 2001.

Nope J:

My SLK goes pretty well. But sure as hell I am going to fly to Oregon.

Best Wishes,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (, October 29, 2001.


I just couldn't help myself. You have to admit it was funny.

Best Wishes,,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (, October 29, 2001.

I don't think so. J sometimes makes me laugh, and seems articulate. None of the preceding can be said of Dennis Olson.

-- (not him@not.dennis), October 29, 2001.

I have, indeed, referred to Tarzan as "old man". Of course, he is an old man.

Whatever your problems are, don't drag me into them. I don't appreciate being lied about. Please don't do it again. Not only is it insulting to me, but I doubt it helps your credibility.

For the record, I am in my early 30's. This is old only if you're still a teenager.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, October 30, 2001.

I am in my also in my mid-thirties and today I feel very old.

fwiw, I don't think J and Dennis are the same person, or even alike for that matter.

-- (cin@cin.cin), October 30, 2001.


How appropriate for you to show up on this thread, since you have been one of the main accusers that I am Dennis Olson. How ironic that you write, "I don't appreciate being lied about", after all the times that you have lied about me.

I really don't care whether you feel insulted or not, and my credibility is just fine. For if you truly are in your early thirties, then my mistaking you for an old man is quite understandable considering your battle with prostate cancer, which typically occurs in men well past their early thirties.

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), October 30, 2001.

For if you truly are in your early thirties, then my mistaking you for an old man is quite understandable considering your battle with prostate cancer, which typically occurs in men well past their early thirties.

I had testicular cancer, which is most common in men from 20 to 35.

I have corrected you on the "old man" thing numerous times. You claimed it was meant as an insult, a flame, that regardless of my age I was an "old man". Now you claim to have been under the impression that I am, in fact, an old man.

So the question is, were you lying then, or are you lying now?

In any event, whatever your problems are, and I'm sure they are many, please don't drag me into them. It only makes me feel embarrassed for you.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, October 30, 2001.

Tarzan's an egotistical bastard but I have to tip my hat to him for being very open about having testicular cancer. He even talked about losing one of his nuts which took more nerve than I would have given him credit for. It's probably the only brave thing he ever did in his whole miserable baby killing life. As I recall everyone gave him props including you and lots of people have given him shit for only having one ball so I think you're lying when you say you thought it was prostrate cancer. I also think you're lying when you say you're not Dennis not that it matters. Tarzan probably calls you Dennis because it gets you going every single time. The two of you deserve each other IMHO.

Oh yeah here's the part where you call me anonymous coward. Like that means anything coming from you.

-- Notty Nursey (, October 30, 2001.


I was mistaken. I thought that you had prostate cancer, not testicular cancer. Because of that, I did, indeed, think that you were an old man; and I did mean it as an insult.

Me lying? LOL. Disregarding what you say hardly constitutes lying. Most of that which you post is unverifiable by me. One thing that is certainly verifiable by me is that I am not Dennis Olson. Since you often post to the contrary, I know that you lie often. This undermines your credibility considerably, so that when you say, even now, that you are in your early thirties, I am reluctant to believe you.

As far as your wishes concerning my conduct, save your breath. You are one of the last people on this planet whose concerns I consider, old man.

anonymous coward,

I didn't want to disappoint you. : )

I do not recall any of the threads about Tarzan only having one testicle. I must have missed that whole discussion. I never gave him "props", as you say. In fact, I am not exactly sure what it is that you mean by that phrase.

Think what you wish about me lying. It won't spoil my day for you to be in error.

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), October 30, 2001.

I was mistaken. I thought that you had prostate cancer, not testicular cancer. Because of that, I did, indeed, think that you were an old man; and I did mean it as an insult.

Yet your posts indicate quite the contrary.

Actually, it is you that are the "old man". I can run circles around you, you old codger. : )

Now if you really thought Tarzan was an old man, why did you put it in quotes? And why the smiley?


-- (keeping@track.of.the.lies), October 30, 2001.

keeping track of the lies???!!!

You need to step away from the computer

-- (ugh@aack.blah), October 30, 2001.

I appreciate the fact that someone's keeping track. (Say that three times. It sounds like lyrics to a song!)

-- (I@am.Who), October 30, 2001.

trying to keep track of the lies,

You really should be smarter than you are if you are going to embark on this career path. If you had read the thread, you would see that Tarzan called me old man first, earlier in the thread. The reason that I had put it into quotes was that I was quoting his own words back to him.

The reason that I had used a smiley was that at that time I had been in a mode of trying to be more civil to the man. He had been away from the forum for a time, and so upon his return, I thought that I would try to be a little less antagonistic towards him. I even welcomed him back and congratulated him on his marriage! Alas, it didn't even take one full thread for me to see the fruitlessness in that particular course of action.

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), October 30, 2001.

You're losing me here J.

First you say that you thought Tarzan was an old man. Then when it comes out that you were apparently trying to be humorous in calling him an old man you claim that the only reason you called him an old man was because HE called YOU an old man. So what are we supposed to think here? And what sort of insult would it be to call someone an old man if they really are old (as far as you know)? Wouldn't that be just stating the obvious? Please explain yourself.

-- (nothim@not.dennis), October 30, 2001.


-- (you@people.are boring), October 30, 2001.

It's difficult to believe a reasonably intelligent, mentally healthy adult finds the term "old man" to be an insult. Becoming an old person is what most people aspire to become since the alternative is death. To consider the term old to be an insult, you would have to place almost zero value on living and likely have a death wish (one way to avoid the indignity of becoming old). You might also consider age to be negative if you are a teenager or very young adult, in other words someone who is extremely inexperienced with life and generally self-absorbed.

J doesn't seem to have a death wish. It's quite possible that he's a self-absorbed teenager. I think it's more likely that he used the term in its traditional context, as a vague British term of endearment among men. Given what we know of the J/Tarzan dynamic, I think it's like that Tarzan either rejected this effort to reach out or missed it entirely and J is now lashing out on this point after having been rejected. I think that J is now desperately trying to cover up this effort to reach out to Tarzan by pretending an endearment is an insult.

-- Lay Down (on@the.couch), October 30, 2001.

This anonymous coward J character strikes me as a very angry person. Notice that he is always critical of others in a very derogatory way, but never says anything nice. Notice that he never starts any threads of his own to discuss interesting subjects, he simply trolls other threads until he sees something he doesn't like, then jumps in to insult others. Talk about cowards, he is a pathetic one. Don't know whether or not he is Dennis, but he is certainly a very disgusting person.

-- (J @ very. repugnant person), October 30, 2001.

I like J

Hey stop pickin on J

-- (cin@cin.cin), October 30, 2001. we all get to be psycho-analyzed? COOL

-- (cin@cin.cin), October 30, 2001.

Sorry Cin, you need to have a brain to be psychoanalyzed.

-- (maybe in your @ next. life), October 30, 2001.

You like someone that thinks it's a shame that the kids in the daycare center died? You like someone who thinks the kids got in the way and that's just the fortunes of war? He never denied it, ya know.

Figgures you would like him.

-- (, October 30, 2001.

Sam let's hear all the horrible things about you. You know the ones.

-- (take@a.guess), October 30, 2001.

My secret is this. I enjoy watching people making fools out of themselves online.

Good one maybe in your @ next. life!

-- (, October 30, 2001.


Yes, I thought that Tarzan was an old man (I thought that he had prostate cancer, an affliction that usually occurs in older men). Even now, I don't necessarily believe anything that he posts.

No, after he had called me old man, I was trying to point out the irony of an old man (I thought) calling a younger man, the term old man.

Actually, a younger man pointing out that an older man is old can be quite insulting. Insulting might not be the best term; foreboding might be better. An old man may have a few things that a younger man wants (like wealth, if he doesn't yet have it), but a younger man has much that an old man will never again have, the most notable being time.

I hope that explains it.

Lay Down,

Yes, being old is better than being dead, but being young is better than being old.

You're not very good at psychoanalysis. I just pointed out that I had tried to extend an olive branch to the man, so how is it that I am "desperately trying to cover up this effort", by pointing out this same effort?


Thanks. Just ignore the ever- changing-handle crowd.

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), October 30, 2001.

ain,t brotherly love, amazin???

wait,,you gotta have 'same' dad to be brethren, hmmmmmmmm!

-- al-d. (, October 31, 2001.

Your response would hold more weight if you hadn't developed a habit of calling Tarzan old in your various spats and if he hadn't corrected you several times. It is this habit, and pretending that it is an insult, that is the desperate cover-up for your feelings about Tarzan's rejection of you. Of couse just because you have a similar habit to Dennis Olson (using the term old man) doesn't mean you are Dennis Olson.

-- Lay Down (on@the.couch), October 31, 2001.

Lay Down,

Tarzan has certainly reacted like it has insulted him anytime that I have called him old man. I will play your psychoanalysis game. Maybe he resents it so because his illness has made him feel like he is old, even though he claims to only be in his early thirties. Or, of course, he may be lying about only being that young. Whatever the case, it certainly seems to irritate him, and that is good enough for me.

If my calling him old man has become a habit, as you say, then I gladly acknowledge repeating things that irritate him. As far as your assertion that I have ignored his repeated corrections, LOL! Like I give a flying leap what an arrogant, lying, baby murderer says?

Keep trying, at this point you are no better than our other self-proclaimed forum psychoanalyst, cyberfraud.

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), October 31, 2001.

"Like I give a flying leap what an arrogant, lying, baby murderer says?"

So you were lying when you said you thought he was an old man. You said he was an old man, here you admit that Tarzan has corrected you, and yet you insist that you thought he was an old man.

Jesus, what else are you lying about?

-- (nothim@not.dennis), October 31, 2001.


You seem to be having a difficult time grasping what I am saying.

You said, "So you were lying when you said you thought he was an old man". No, I was not lying. I did think that he was an old man who had prostate cancer. Even now, I am not convinced that he is not an old man. How is it that you think that I am lying?

Yes, I admit that Tarzan has tried to correct me. I have also stated that he is a known liar. Why would I choose to believe his attempts to correct me? It seems far more likely that I had hit a nerve by calling him old man, and that his "corrections" were merely attempts to try and get me to stop calling him that.

I believed that he was old. I originally called him old man because he first called me that. I continued to call him that because it seemed to irritate him. I still believe that he might be old, although learning that he had testicular cancer rather than prostate cancer opens the possibility that he may, indeed, be in his thirties as he claims. Regardless of all of this, I will call him whatever it is that I choose to call him. His wishes to the contrary are meaningless to me.

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), October 31, 2001.

Gee I don't know, maybe it's because you believe everything else he says including his participation in the abortion industry.

It's sounding more and more like you have chosen to believe Tarzan is lying about his age and only about his age. I am forced to come to the conclusion that you were making an effort to dig at Tarzan again and got tripped up. I think maybe getting constantly accused of being Dennis Olson has finally driven you around the bend. Either way if I were in your shoes I sure wouldn't be so quick to accuse other people of being liars.

-- (nothim@not.dennis), October 31, 2001.

"Me lying? LOL. Disregarding what you say hardly constitutes lying."

So when a pile of us in here disregard what *you* say, and keep calling you Dennis, then we're not lying, either. Sauce for the goose, Mr. Olsen.

"Most of that which you post is unverifiable by me."

Most of that which *you* post is unverifiable by others.

"One thing that is certainly verifiable by me is that I am not Dennis Olson."

Your claim is unsupported. Further, it is unverifiable by other posters here. Therefore, to disregard it is not lying. See how easy this is, Dennis?

"Since you often post to the contrary, I know that you lie often."

Wrong. By your own logic, your claim is unverifiable, and therefore when one disregards it, one is not lying. Therefore, Tarzan is not lying, and you owe him yet *another* apology. Toss that one on the pile with all the others, Tarzan.

"This undermines your credibility considerably,"

Maybe in Dennis-Land it does, but not elsewhere.

"so that when you say, even now, that you are in your early thirties, I am reluctant to believe you."

So who cares what you believe?

"As far as your wishes concerning my conduct, save your breath. You are one of the last people on this planet whose concerns I consider, old man."

You own behavior belies your claim. If you didn't care what Tarzan thought, you wouldn't be responding to him, Dennis. Do try a little harder to get some congruency between your words and your actions. It would reduce the humor factor inherent in your postings and deny us the online St. Vitus' Dance we've all come to know, expect and love from you.

"Think what you wish about me lying. It won't spoil my day for you to be in error."

But it will certainly spoil your day if you don't get to post about how it won't spoil your day. Methinks thou doth protest too much, Dennis.

And don't bother with the "anonymous coward" comments. I have a name, and so does everyone else here. We just choose not to share them with everyone. Seems to me that you've said much the same thing here in the past.

-- Already Done Happened (, November 03, 2001.


Where does the J come from? First name, middle, last, favorite letter of the alphabet or what? I think I get the Y2 part but why J not K?

Just curious.

-- Jack Booted Thug (, November 03, 2001.

Dennis Olson is busy enough with other matters that I doubt very much that he would bother to post here, let alone as someone else.

-- (, November 03, 2001.

Yeah, you're right. Organizing bail money and negotiating retainers with defense attorneys has to be time consuming.

-- Jack Booted Thug (, November 03, 2001.


The "J" stands for "Jerkoff".

-- (how@very.appropriate), November 03, 2001.

JBT you forgot to add that he is doing these things unselfishly for a friend. Ever heard the old teaching "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"? There sure is a lot of selfishness and negativity exhibited by a number of posters on this board. I still don't understand the obsession that several people here have about Dennis Olson. So the guy did some things before Y2K that you think were stupid and he was proven wrong. What did he do to you personally? He doesn't seem to spend a lot of time disparaging the likes of you.

-- (Lest@you.forget), November 04, 2001.

"Ever heard the old teaching "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"?

Yes. And Dennis apparently has not. He threatened to shoot law enforcement officers and anyone who approached his home after "society collapsed," or words to that effect. His ridiculously UNcharitable attitude and intolerance for rebuttal is a matter of record here, and elsewhere. So when people here want to pile on him, and Dennis doesn't like it, that's just too damn bad.

"There sure is a lot of selfishness and negativity exhibited by a number of posters on this board."

No more than Dennis has exhibited -- and still exhibits.

"I still don't understand the obsession that several people here have about Dennis Olson."

It's not really for you to understand, is it? It simply exists, and there's not much you or Dennis can do about it.

"So the guy did some things before Y2K that you think were stupid and he was proven wrong."

He doesn't think he was proven wrong. In fact, some of his comments over on his own board, posted shortly after the 9/11 attacks, seem to indicate that he feels *vindicated* by them. What a sick bastard, to use the deaths of 5,000 people as some sort of opportunistic attempt to win an argument he lost over two years ago.

We can't let it go? Neither can Dennis. Pot. Kettle. Black.

"What did he do to you personally?"

He threatened quite a few posters. And when at least two posters notified the authorities about his little adoption-evading scheme, I believe he also threatened violence against the person or persons responsible, if he ever found out who they were. So he's threatened to harm some of my acquaintances is what he's done to me. I can't speak for others.

"He doesn't seem to spend a lot of time disparaging the likes of you."

On the contrary. He's just getting his payback now.

-- Already Done Happened (, November 04, 2001.

I have never heard of this Dennis person or his web site. If it is TB2000 or some such thing then they were totally humbled by the article in the RMN; if they read it. The knife wielded was their own words. I will have to find this site and have a look. Some parts of the lunatic fringe one just ignores.


-- Denver (, November 04, 2001.

I will stand up to heed the call for Dennis. Lady Logic you go to far. Hawk never posted as you. It is logged in and you did that yourself. Leave Dennis alone. Why are you so concerned with his prosperity? Does that offend you? I am sure you are just upset because you can not infringe on his forum any longer. Dennis I love you. I respect you. You have been the best of friend. You care about people. I know you do. Anita knows you do and the list of your fans far exceed the losing logic. Keep up the great work Dennis.

-- (A@fan of dennis.forever), November 04, 2001.

-- (yawn@yawn.yawn), November 04, 2001.

Geez you people put a lot of energy into this!

Yes, Y2J (AKA Dennis Olsen) has called me old in the past. The first time he did this I was mystified; I figured that it must be some kind of joke since it was just such a lame insult. I corrected him then on my age and told him that it didn't bother me that he thought I was old because becoming an old man is a big goal for cancer survivors. I would be happy as hell to have someone call me a wrinkled old raisin man so long as I could live out the next forty or fifty years. Anyway, he kept up calling me old and I figured it was something of an in-joke since at the time I assumed that he could come up with much better insults and certainly wasn't dumb enough to waste his time on something that obviously never bothered me. Oh well, I guess I was wrong and that was the best he could come up with. My bad. Anyway, I only became annoyed when, for no apparent reason, Dennis (oops! I mean Y2J of course) tried to drag me into his problems.

For the record, I think that Y2J (or did I mean to say Dennis?)is convinced that I am the architect of the Dennis "Y2J" Olsen theory and that's why he felt compelled to invoke me on this thread. Of course I am not. The actual culprit is Y2J himself, who never fails to hit the ceiling in an amusing manner that closely recalls Yosemite Sam every time the words Y2J and Dennis are written in the same thread. It's as predictable as his tired "anonymous coward" catchphrase or his taste for spelling and grammar flames when he's fresh out of arguments.

I have no idea why Y2J gets so hot and bothered by the Dennis Olson thing, but I do enjoy imaging him attempting to chew through his monitor every single time it comes up. I can't think of a single poster, myself included, who hasn't been accused of being some other more or less notorious poster at some point, yet no one has even come close to the sheer level of energy that Y2J has expended on this issue, and so the accusations have never stuck. I'm certain that at least some of the posters who accuse him of being Dennis in drag are only doing it for the sheer entertainment value.

I find it amusing that "J" claims he doesn't believe anything I post, yet the only thing he has ever expressed any doubt on was my age, and that was only when he got backed into a corner by his own posts. I would like to believe that "J" was simply trying to call me out on this thread but his own tortured explanation is more consistent with someone who's a little too emotionally invested in this forum. My advice would be to take two Xanax thirty minutes before accessing this board.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, November 04, 2001.

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