All suicide bombers are not : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
It took me quite a while to get through this one, but there wasn't ONE sleepy moment involved. From Egypt to Germany, the author [a damned good journalist, IMO] relates his conversations with folks of the Islam religion. I thought the read sad, but interesting. It's from the NY Times Magazine. I'm not sure whether one needs to register to read.All suicide bombers are not alike
Perhaps I was influenced by a recent thread wherein someone stated that fundamental Islam was TOTALLY different than fundamental Christianity, but I saw the same sort of rationalization in this "martyrdom" for Islam [and political differences] as I saw in the "martyrdom" for Christianity [and political differences] that occurred at Waco and Ruby Ridge. Both are very sad, IMO.
-- Anita (, October 28, 2001
This was quite interesting, as well, although not as long a read. I'm reminded of the guy who wrote Working. All he did was interview people and document his findings.NY Times Article. might need to register to read this one.
-- Anita (, October 28, 2001.