Where can i find Gundam Wing Endless Waltz in Singapore?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I am a anime lover and now currently searching for Gundam Wing Endless Waltz but it cannot be found in Singapore People have told me that it is sold somewhere here but location unknown anyone knows where i can find the vcd?
-- yiling (angielek_86@hotmail.com), October 26, 2001
3rd floor of sim lim square where the tv always shows wrestling videos.guan70
-- guan70 (guan70@doramail.com), October 27, 2001.
Try ebay.com.sg. Btw do you noe where to look for gundam wing endless waltz as well as the battle of the pacifist comic book?
-- Zhi Hao (curio_azureboi@yahoo.co.uk), September 12, 2003.