NaNoWriMo : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month.

(There's still time to sign up!)

Once November rolls around, support each other here.

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2001


I'm in!

Well, I think I am. I haven't gotten a confirmation e-mail or anything. But what the heck. Let's see if I have that kind of discipline.

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2001

yikes. me too. i signed up yesterday. and keep meaning to start, to get a jump-start on what's sure to be a crazy month...but haven't. yet.

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2001

Are you guys going to make an outline, or do charater brainstorms or anything?

I don't remember ANYthing about writing fiction. This will be interesting to say the least.

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2001

I signed up. I figured with my employment situation I have nothing better to do. I also figure any seasonal retail employment used to pay the rent will force me to write out of dispair and annoyance. you know serial killer Santa: "there's that kid who peed on my lap. grrrrrr"

DC is great. GW lost my diploma. I'm very much in touch with my inner Buffalo Bill right now.

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2001

I'm doing it.

I have no problem writing with a starting point but I suck at coming up with characters, plotlines, etc. Also, outlining? Never done it, never will.

So I'm using an on-line generator to give me a starting place and then just writing. I'm aiming for four days of writing and one day of editing a week so I don't get bogged down in changing stuff like usual.

If you need a generator, go to Beth's forum at, the Reading & Writing category, there's a thread about this and someone linked to some idea generators. But of course hurry back here, I'm not trying to get people to leave the barrells of MATH+1 fun.

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2001

I'm doing it as well.

And whatever I finally end up with is going to be posted in crappy brilliance to my new domain.

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2001

I have a feeling mine will be a bunch of loosely connected scenes. I can never write in order, for one. And two, I have no idea what I even want my story to be about.

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2001

hee hee man I can post a hyperbole with the best of them. My story will probably be based on crime. Maybe an actual case. I figure it's something I can bullshit about for 200 pages.

-- Anonymous, October 27, 2001

Oh, Glorious MATH people! Thank you soooo much for educating me to the splendid-like splendor of NaNoWriMo.

you people are the COOLEST. I am in-- oh, what a scary thing this is (i work full-time and pull 13 credit hours a week. THE HORROR!)

thanks again, jags.

-- Anonymous, October 27, 2001

I'm excited that so many of us are doing it!

I have an idea now, as well as my main characters and now how I'm going to start.

What's going to happen during the other 100 pages, I know not yet. But I'm ready to start writing!

Are you guys going to try and stick to a schedule, like 1,500 words a day or will you just write however much you can?

-- Anonymous, October 28, 2001

I'm going to try to average 2,ooo words per day, so that I won't have to write at all on Thanksgiving weekend.

I know what my first sentence will be (which, by the way, is the worst way to ever start to write anything), and after that, it's going to be some pseudo-quasi-fusion-freeflow-giggy type stuff. Suck? Oh yes. It'll be fun though.

-- Anonymous, October 28, 2001

I think I'm going to do it, as well.

-- Anonymous, October 28, 2001

I have a vague idea of what I'm writing about, but no set schedule.

-- Anonymous, October 29, 2001

I've planned a set schedule (so much writing per day) The question of the month will be whether or not I'm able to keep it.

-- Anonymous, October 29, 2001

Okay -- I can't enter officially, since if I started something new without finishing my current project The Smoker would maul my slacker butt. But I think 50,000 words should finish what I'm working on. So can I be the official Fellow Writing NaNoWriMo MATH+1 Groupie?

Will people be posting their word counts here?

As for outlining, etc. -- I tend to write scenes and then figure out how they fit together; scene first, outline second, in other words. But sometimes that bogs me down.

-- Anonymous, October 29, 2001

Hannah! Damn you for posting that link. I signed up, although I fully expect to procrastinate all month, stress myself out, quit, come back to it, pull a few allnighters, and have nothing to show for it, come Dec. 1.

Can't wait!

-- Anonymous, October 29, 2001

I am so psyched at the turn out! I thought it was going to be me and Mike. You all just saved him from a month of annoying emails from me.

I'm going out of town twice in November, the first one in just 2 weeks. So my plan is to write like CRAZY the first week so I can edit on the plane and not worry about being away from a computer for 3 days.

-- Anonymous, October 29, 2001

hmmm outline of plot. Making me laugh here. I'm just hoping I can get 200 pages of something remotely related. I plan on using it as something to go back and edit in December. (since there's no judging on content)

-- Anonymous, October 29, 2001

I'm in, kids!

-- Anonymous, October 29, 2001

Well, it's almost here! I had wanted to start last week, when I signed up, but it looks like I'm already procrastinating. Yikes. I think I'm temporarily daunted by the whole idea of this...maybe I just need to dive in and write, instead of trying to plot it out as I have been.

Any ideas? Has anyone started? (Feel free to make me feel bad!) Any famous first words??

-- Anonymous, October 30, 2001

Well, we're not supposed to start yet silly Kimi!

I'm taking this opportunity to do something completely different. I'm going to try and write a dialogue heavy novel. I'm scared to death of dialogue, and since I know it's allowed to be crap, I'm not (as) scared to do it.

-- Anonymous, October 30, 2001

I know...I guess I just wanted to cheat a little, since I know I'll be out of town the next 2 weekends! But thanks to my procrastination, I didn't do it!! Whew!

Ok, I am SO impressed with you taking on dialogue. I suck at that, it always sounds fake when i write it! You go! I know our "novels" can suck, so I guess I can just take it easy and let things come to me...within a one month period...!

-- Anonymous, October 30, 2001

Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow...

Everybody ready to get going?!

-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001

I think I'm going to start tonight. After midnight, of course.

I think we should do Wed. check-ins.

So get ready to give us your count on the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th. This will help keep you on track, of course.

-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001

Dirty Cheaters!

-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001

Bitches and Hos!

Shocking, shocking I say.

-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001

I think they might be kidding. One guy put pi as his word count.

But, I could be wrong.

Anyway, Go Go, you MATH+1 NaNoWriMoers! Yay! I can't play along because I don't really understand the project, but I will be doing my own writing thing on the same deadline so I will be with you in spirit. Yay! Go forth and write!

-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001

Team A-F is going to prosper. You wit me Mike and AB?

-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001

Oh, I don't know about that. Not only do I have Kimi on my team G to M, but also the great Allison Lowe.

-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001

Hell yeah, baby.

-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001

Oh, A-F is going to dominate. No question.

-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001

Oh. Wait. Is there going to be a fight? Because I could really use a fight right about now.

-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001

Do you want a piece of me?! 'Cause we can take this outside.

Oh, wait. We're on the same team. That won't work.

-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001

Man, M. Get it together, kid! We need you to give 110% over here!

-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001

I'll try to have my feature done by then. How's that? And then I will kick all y'all's heinies.

-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001

Hannah, this is what I'm talking about. We could be our own Non-NaNoWriMo team. Because, you know, non-novel writers can still be cool.

-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001

I refuse to be intimidated by someone who uses the word "heinies."

-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001

That's right, Mike. Fear the Turtle.

PG and I will be making our millions while y'all all starve away in your garrets. Best be nice if you want us to invite you over for margaritas someday.

-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001

And now "garrets"? Come on! Are you writing for the common man or for the elitist snobs.

At this point, btw, I'd settle for making hundreds.

-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001

So, to sum up:

Officially entered: Hannah Beth, AB, Mike, Allison, Keli, Kimi, Kristin, Hiro, Melissa, Slickery

Not officially entered but posting word counts: Me

Future makers of millions: Hannah and PG

It'll be interesting.

If I write tonight, can that count?

-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001

Can I just be listed as the future spender of millions?

-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001

Y'all, you're gonnna be amazed at my dumbassery. I thought I could sign up today and I caaaaaaaiiiiinnn't!!!

However, I am still going to do it, and you can still count me on the team. I'm totally down for this.

Go team.

-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001

Woo, Al and me in the slackass house!

I tried to sign up today too since I'm all about the procrastination. I'm still doing it too. I did send an email promising a large PayPal donation if they'll let me sign up late.

Anyone else planning on writing for HOURS every weekend since the weeks are full of hell?

-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001


106 words.

-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001

Al and Slickery, I would be honored to have you on the unofficial team.

-- Anonymous, November 01, 2001

By the way, 1,231 words last night. Nyaah.

-- Anonymous, November 01, 2001

Anyone else planning on writing for HOURS every weekend since the weeks are full of hell?

Pretty much, yeah.

Here we go, y'all!

-- Anonymous, November 01, 2001

By the way, 1,231 words last night. Nyaah.

Slow and steady wins the race.

-- Anonymous, November 01, 2001

Wait. This is a race?

I wrote 400 of the lamest words known to man last night. I think the race, for me, is already lost.

-- Anonymous, November 01, 2001

Well, AB, since I just wrote a measly 300 you're still ahead of me.

-- Anonymous, November 01, 2001

I'm unofficial, remember. And I've been working on my little project for two years, rather than starting afresh like y'all are -- which would scare me silly at this point.

-- Anonymous, November 01, 2001

I'm up to 285. AB, I'm with Mike on this one: slow and steady. And we won't wuss out at Thanksgiving, either.

-- Anonymous, November 01, 2001

When y'all are done, and Hannah and I have made our millions, we'll have a big "Way to Go!" party for you. With liquor and cheese.

-- Anonymous, November 01, 2001

And pigs-in-the-blanket? Because if you have those, I'm definitely there!

-- Anonymous, November 01, 2001

Woohoo! I'm up to 3 pages of crap! But I'm already getting bogged down into re-reading. Are you guys going to edit like every 5th page? Not at all? How do you stop yourself from editing as you go?

-- Anonymous, November 01, 2001

Don't edit as you go. Seriously. I'm constantly getting stopped in my tracks but, "No, wait, Character A wouldn't think that because she hasn't met Character B yet! Or has she?" I'm all impressed by PG's character arcs; I barely have a working outline.

I propose we have a NaNoWriMo reading at AsspunCon.

-- Anonymous, November 01, 2001

WG, don't forget - I've been working on this for close to a year. Plus I only have to come up with 120 pages, not 50 bazillion like y'all.

-- Anonymous, November 01, 2001

Huzzah! I had a starting point from the generator but was uninspired. I just got massively inspired by something and the creative cells are going FLICK FLICK FLICK. Woo!

-- Anonymous, November 01, 2001

Okay, mundane questions.

Are you guys formatting for submission (double spaced, inch margins, etc.) or just typing away wily-nily?

What font are you using? i.e. what is easiest on the eyes both on screen and in print as I cart/email this between home and work?

-- Anonymous, November 01, 2001

I'm all about Times New Roman 12, but that's me. If you're on a Mac, Helvetica is good.

-- Anonymous, November 01, 2001

Hey, Al and any other fellow slack asses who failed to sign up in time. I just tried to enter a word count even though I wasn't signed up and it let me. I entered my email address and it gave me a screen to enter name, location and word count info. (Which is at 306 by the way.) Now whether my email about donations yesterday is why or there is a glitch in their system I don't know. I am going to give them a big ole donation but it might be worth a try if you are okay with taking advantage of a possible system error.

-- Anonymous, November 01, 2001

I'm a big fan of 12 pt Book Antiqua. (It's also what I use in my journal.) I have one inch top/bottom margins and 1.25 left/right. I only double space between paragraphs, not lines. (That's personal pref. though.) I don't think the nanowrimo people care.

Oh! And I'm at 1,500 words! (I've been writing on and off at work all day.)

-- Anonymous, November 01, 2001

Slow and steady wins the race.

Take it from the terrapin.

I'm starting tonight. It's going to be tough.

-- Anonymous, November 01, 2001

Day One Word Count: Zero.

Will I be the only one that divides 50 000 by the number of days left in the month, until I end up having to pour out 25 000 words a day the last two days?

-- Anonymous, November 01, 2001

Well, after my mad writing Wednesday night, I got absolutely nothing done last night. So my unofficial official count is still zero.

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

Y'all. Somebody hacked the Word Count pages and they suspect "the memoir community." That ain't right. (The initial Word Count page is accessible but don't click the other sections of the alphabet, it sends you into an endless "click OK" pop-up window that never, ever leaves.)

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

Wait, are we the memoir community?

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

Y'all, Patty Leidy (or someone using her name) is on the G-M team! That's so cool!

(She's an Atlanta cartoonist. I found some of her non-updated stuff here. )

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

My first thought was that they meant the OLJ community but maybe they were just joking around?

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

Angry scrapbookers?

Memoir... interesting word.

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

Heh, angry scrapbookers. I can just see this huge group of housewives wandering the aisles of Michaels, waving their star-shaped die cutters and demanding more acid-free blue insert pages!

That is SO going in my novel.

Grammar (grammer?) query for the novel. If one were to declare that the life of a hermit was for them would it be correct to say, "Life of hermitry, here I come?"

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

Day one word count: 400, or so.

Is that good? I don't know. You know, I'm a little pissed off that I am not an official team member. Hmph.

I'm thinking, since I'm all unofficial and everything, to just post what I write everyday on HYD on a secret, know-only-to-+1-forum page. It'll be like a serial novel!

A very, very bad serial novel...

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

Oh, Al, please do that!

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

Slickery, the word is "hermitage." Which is even better, since then you can have another character say, "You're going to go live with Thomas Jefferson?"

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

I'm at about 400 words as well. Day One and already behind!

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

Thanks WG! Hermitage it is. But, uh, how does that relate to Thomas Jefferson? I think my characters are dumb like me and don't know!

306, ya'll, so if you have more than that? Feel good about yourself!

How many of us are willing to share as we go? I'm up for it too; maybe we can set up a secret MATH+1 Nieblung Ring for easy sharing?

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

But, uh, how does that relate to Thomas Jefferson? I think my characters are dumb like me and don't know!

I am Wrongy McFullofherself. Jefferson's home was Monticello. Andrew Jackson's home was the Hermitage.

So clearly you want Character #2 to be stuck-up and condescending, and then Character #3 comes along and says, "Andrew Jackson, actually," and Character #1 (the potential hermit) and Character #3 bond while #2 slinks off in shame.

(There's also the Hermitage museum in St. Petersburg.)

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

Al! Please do that.

I have about 1,700 words of crap. And now I'm stuck.

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

I have 1000. Feh. I am behind!

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

Actually, I have an idea for anyone who's interested.

On Dec. 1 anyone who'd like to sort of workshop each other, I was thinking we could email each other our stories, critique them and then mail the author their story with our notes.

Did I explain that well?

Anyone interested?

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

I would be interested in a round-robin critique. I was actually thinking of soliciting beta readers from my notify list, but this can work too.

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

Well, I'm thinking more have everyone critique everyone who's interested. So you might end up reading 2 novels, or 15.

Because round-robin is when you do mine, and then I do Shae's and then Shae reads AB's, and AB reads Al's and Al's reads yours, right?

I think the more readers the better.

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

I'm at 1173 and I'm just spewing crap. I still like my idea I'm just sort of bogged down in establishing stuff and I want to get onto wacky hijinks.

I'd be up for critiquing after the fact although I'm totally writing this with the word count goal and no actual literary goals. I'd still like to read works in progress though.

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

Oh, I'm also going for word count. But that doesn't mean that your final 50,000 wordy novel can't be worked into something great, right?

I also just love workshopping.

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

i spent the night of the 31st writing like mad in my mind, thinking that it would be so easy to just pour out all these words.

i spent last night trying to write. at first it didn't happen and i forgot all the words i had thougth of on the 31st.

finally, inspiration struck and i wrote nearly four pages of not so bad stuff. of course i'm an editing junkie and spent more time re-reading and changing around. that's going to be my hangup; i get stuck on the small stuff rather than tackling the big stuff. but whatever. it's a start and i'm actually looking forward to writing tonight and tomorrow. of course, who knows how i'll feel once i actually start to write tonight and tomorrow...

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

finally, inspiration struck and i wrote nearly four pages of not so bad stuff. of course i'm an editing junkie and spent more time re- reading and changing around. that's going to be my hangup;

That's why I like this. I get stuck writing fiction because I get frustrated when every word isn't perfect the first time, but this will make me get at least the skeleton of a novel down on paper.

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

Round-robin, all-for-all, whichever. Will people read mine if it turns out to be longer than 50K?

('Cause, like I said, the two years' head start.)

By the way (especially for Shae): you don't have to write all 50,000 words in order. You can skip ahead to the stuff you want to write and then go back and fill in. What I've got so far mainly consists of fragments, and then I save them as scenes -- "charactera_meets_characterb.doc," etc. Those 1,200 words I bragged about writing Wednesday night occur about 3/4 of the way through the book.

(And if I come off as more-prolific-than-thou, I have written a novel before. Granted, it sucked donkey dick, but it was 110,000 words after cutting.

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

What's a normal word count for a chapter?

Or rather, what's the smallest word count that can count as a chapter?

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

sheesh I'm barely at 2000 on day 4.

-- Anonymous, November 05, 2001

HB, would that be "Jesus wept." at two?


Hey, Naked Hannah, how you doin'? Did I dream it, or are we committed to this deadline also?

As the only two on the NonNaNoWriMo team, I think that we are going to rock the free world. I'm at 37 pages of dreck, but my philosophy is the same: just get it done, get it down, then try to carve something useful later.

-- Anonymous, November 05, 2001

I'm not up to 6,500 crap words. If I stick to my average that means I have to write 2,000 more today. But I caaaain't. It's hard and I don't have anything else to say. How am I supposed to write 40,000 MORE words? My novel sucks.

-- Anonymous, November 05, 2001

I'm up to about 6,000, too, but I realized over the weekend that I have to rewrite the ENTIRE thing I'd written prior to June. Oh, did that moment suck.

-- Anonymous, November 05, 2001

How are y'all doing??

-- Anonymous, November 06, 2001

Sucking. I keep wanting to start over. I feel like I have three words.


-- Anonymous, November 06, 2001

Doing okay. Right now it's less "Oh, I have to write ___ words," as "Oh, wait, this scene needs rewriting. And this one. And this one. And -- wow, did I write that? That crap? Oh my God, how is my boyfriend still dating me once he read that crap?"

This is why you should not reread as you go along.

-- Anonymous, November 06, 2001

I know! I keep getting bogged down in what I've already written, and I keep working to expand those scences. Which in a way is good as I get more words in, but it's not going anywhere. If I can just make it past 10,000 words I think I'll be okay. At least I can say I did that much. (And then I'll aim for 20,000 etc.)

I just keep repeating - it's okay that it's crap. It's okay that it's crap.

-- Anonymous, November 06, 2001

The Smoker on my rewriting: "Well, I figured you would once you actually decided to write a book instead of a short story."


-- Anonymous, November 06, 2001

So, if anyone's feeling generous and wants to read my 25 pages of drivel and give me some help, you know, they can.

Just let me know.

-- Anonymous, November 06, 2001

40 pages, PG. And a pretty detailed outline, finally.

-- Anonymous, November 06, 2001

Okay, so it's the 7th!

Everyone check in with their word count! I'm at a 7,778.

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

Naked: woo-hoo!

NonNaNoWriMo Rocks.

Well, really the Hannah part does, seeing as how I've hit a block at 37 pages. Maybe I'll be inspired today.

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

11,000. Exactly on pace.

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

Go Mike! Slow and steady my terrapin ass.

Anyone else? Keli? Slickery? Kimi? miranda? AB? Al?

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

I'm writing right now!


-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

You know, damn this Theodora Boyd from Buffalo Grove, IL with her 25,000 words. Damn her!

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

Damn Corinne Dodge of Pacific Palisades, Cal with 64700 while we're at it.

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

Oh see, Corrine is just a show-off is what she is.

And I'd bet she's a cheater too.

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

Yep. Yay for us, the brutally honest ones!

You know what's killing me? When I do my word count and the spelling ang rammar check, it also lets me know the grade reading level of what I'm writing. 1.8. My novel, about sex, can be read by any first grader. I'd be much more embarrassed if it was a term paper, though.

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

You'll note all these people who share the mysterious ability to end a sentence precisely every 1,000 words.

Either that, or they're saving on heating bills, warmed by their PANTS ON FIRE.

Me: 8,913.

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

It tells you the grade level of what you're writing? How horrifying!

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

I use Word, but I've noticed that this feature isn't on every Word version.

If anyone wants me to run theirs through the gristmill, I will.

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

And discover my novel's on the same level as the Babysitters' Club? No thanks.

But even the Babysitters' Club hit 100 pages. Wah!

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

Don't you remember how to turn a three-page term paper into a five- page term paper?

Enlarge the font! You'll be at 100 in no time.

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

Uh, I have no new words because I spent the weekend gambling my heart out. 12 hours at the blackjack table Saturday (13 hours at the place total, a girl has to eat). And then the sleeping all day Sunday since we didn't get home until 6am.

And then the attack of the back spams Monday which led to a trip to the emergency room and the acquisition of a muscle relaxer (Vicodin), a pain reliver (Tylonel and the bigger, ass-kicking brother of coedine in one handy pill), and an anti-inflammatory (800mg tablet of Ibuprophen). This drug mixture? Good for the feeling shit faced and having wacky dreams. Not good for the seeing straight or the sitting up or the formulating thoughts or writing words.

I'm down to just the Ibuprophen today though I'm still in hella pain and hope to be writing tomorrow.

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2001

Sheesh, Shae . . . stay home and work on getting better. The novel can certainly wait.

-- Anonymous, November 08, 2001

WG, I am betta! Not totally but I can sit and type and spew forth nonsense again.

Anyone know a good source for getting the low-down on the real job life of FBI agents? I'm thinking of bringing in a character and although my writing, it is of the insane, I'd like a wee bit of reality.

-- Anonymous, November 09, 2001

Just rent Miss Congeniality and Feds. I'm sure that'll give you an accurate portrayal.

-- Anonymous, November 09, 2001

Read or rent The Silence of the Lambs, maybe?

-- Anonymous, November 09, 2001

Hmm, good idea with the Silence of the Lambs. Although my character, um, investigates the copyright violations you get warned about on the front of videos so I'm thinking there is less pressure and face eating.

-- Anonymous, November 09, 2001

Check in time! How's everyone doing? I haven't written since last week, so my count still stands at 10,000. I need to push myself to get back into it.

-- Anonymous, November 15, 2001

I got barely 2,000 words done in the last week, so I'm not in great shape either. I've been carrying the first draft around for the last three days, promising myself I'll go over it and determine what can be kept and what needs to get thrown out; but I've been putting it off, convinced that I don't need a dip into that stinking pile.

-- Anonymous, November 15, 2001

I officially suck. I only have about 8,000 words, and that's pushing it. I keep meaning to sit down and get to it, but then don't. I think about it a lot though...does that count?

-- Anonymous, November 15, 2001

I'm failing miserably over here.

But I met a producer last night, so I'm counting schmoozing as writing as well. I am in LA, after all.

-- Anonymous, November 15, 2001


Slightly behind at the halfway point. But I really want to get there. We'll see.

-- Anonymous, November 15, 2001

I've written not a single solitary new word. BUT I finally figured out why I had two different plots battling it out in my brain and tonight I get down to marathon writing of my novel within a novel. It's all Margaret Atwood (Blind Assasin, novel within a novel wise, not actually literary value wise) meets Helen Fielding meets Douglas Adams and/or Terry Pratchett.

-- Anonymous, November 16, 2001

I hate Mike. Even though I really love him.

-- Anonymous, November 16, 2001

It's all Margaret Atwood (Blind Assasin, novel within a novel wise, not actually literary value wise) meets Helen Fielding meets Douglas Adams and/or Terry Pratchett.

If we do end up reading each other's works, can I call first dibs on this one?

-- Anonymous, November 16, 2001

Only one more day.

Is ANYone still on target?

-- Anonymous, November 29, 2001

Sure, as long as I can write 25,000 words by nightfall.

-- Anonymous, November 29, 2001

That would be a big, sheepish "No" on this end.

-- Anonymous, November 29, 2001

okay. Everyone fess up.

How many words DID you get?

I'll "finish" just shy of 14,000. But, I'm commited to finishing this story.

Who wants to read it?

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2001

I do, I do.

I gave up. I will, however, have a complete draft by Jan. 1. That's my new goal.

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2001

Anyone want to do a MATH+1 NaNoWriMos and extend the date to Jan. 1 also? I really want to work on my (sadly short) start before we begin the reading.

-- Anonymous, December 01, 2001

Definitely. I can have 50K by Jan 1.


-- Anonymous, December 01, 2001

That sounds great, but instead of a word limit, let's just say we finish? Because I really don't think my story merits 50,000 words. Unless I want to throw even more dialogue that's like, "Hey." "What?" "Nothing." "Okay then."

-- Anonymous, December 01, 2001

Naked Hannah - where are you? how many pages?

I could be done by Jan. 1. I'm back in.

-- Anonymous, December 01, 2001

Jan. 1. Okay. I get a Smoker smackdown if I don't finish.

I am definitely interested in swapping.

-- Anonymous, December 04, 2001

I've got 30 pages, but I also have a killer 8 page step outline.

-- Anonymous, December 05, 2001

I've got 15 pages. I so could not be done by January 1, unless I commit to writing every single day, and I don't see getting that fire lit under me in the next week.

But, I'm willing to give it the ol' college try.

-- Anonymous, December 06, 2001

I am. So. Not done.

But one of my 2002 resolutions is to finish. And I am still interested in reading others', doing some sort of swap.

I'm still probably going to coordinate things through my notify list, try to start getting something out within the next two weeks; not that I'll be finished, but it'll mean I'll have to write ahead of my readers.

So if anyone else is still looking to swap . . .

-- Anonymous, January 02, 2002

Bumping this up because I FINISHED the fucker.

Well, the second draft. The boy's going to start reading it tonight.

I'm proud of myself. And terrified.

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2002

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