Psychology and Madness in Islamic thought : LUSENET : History & Theory of Psychology : One Thread

I am curious about textual sources for the history of 'madness' and its treatments or reception in Islamic thought and medicine, both classical and contemporary. I would also be interested in sources on the reception and use of psychology in the Islamic world. Can anyone help?

-- Maggie Schmitt (, October 25, 2001



"For some general background on Islamic philosophy (which reached its pinnacle earlier than did Western Medieval philosophy), there is a good, short, general article on Medieval Islamic philosophy ( -- including a concise passage on their interpretation of Aristotelian psychological thought -- in the Catholic Encyclopedia ( Avicenna's commentary on Aristotle's De anima (Liber de Anima seu Sextus de Naturabilis) is among the most influential works of the Age, even among later Christian philosophers, but I have been unable to find an English translation of it. Avicenna's own summary of this material -- the Kitab al-najat -- has been translated by F. Rahman, however, in a 1952 book entitled Avicenna's Psychology. The main text runs about 45 pp. in length, chapter 3 contains the most direct statement of the "ventricular theory," and the final few chapters contain the most important Islamic departures from authentic Aristotelianism."

-- Christopher Green (, October 26, 2001.


You might get some help from members of the Sufi Psychology Association, which you can find on the web at

The Sufis are the mystics in Islam, but I'm sure they could tell you a lot more about the extended Islamic literature. The Sufi Psychology Association meets annually. I attended one of their meetings, as a guest speaker, and found it a richly rewarding experience to be surrounded by Farsi-speaking psychologists engaged in an amazing range of psychological research and practice.

-- Hendrika Vande Kemp (, October 26, 2001.


I dug into files from my class on dreams, for the following references on Islam/Sufism and deam interpretation--you might find that interesting.

Dreams in Islam, the Muslim World

Al-Akili, Muhammad M. (1991). Ibn Seerin's dictionary of dreams according to Islam. Pearl Publishing.

Azam, U. (1992). Dreams in Islam. Pittsburgh, PA: Dorrance.

Corbin, H. (1966). The visionary dream in Islamic spirituality. In G. E. von Grunebaum & R. Caillois (Eds.), The dream in human societies (pp. 381-407). Berkeley: University of California Press.

Fisher, H. J. (1979). Dreams and conversion in Black Africa. In N. Levzion (Ed.), Conversion to Islam. New York, NY: Holmes and Meier.

Fahd, T. (1966). The dream in medieval Islamic society. In G. E. von Grunebaum & R. Caillois (Eds.), The dream in human societies (pp. xx- yy). Berkeley: University of California Press.

Grunebaum, G. E. von. (1966). Introduction--The cultural function of the dream as illustrated by classic Islam. In G. E. von Grunebaum & R. Caillois (Eds.), The dream in human societies (pp. 3-21). Berkeley: University of California Press.

LeCerf, J. (1966). The dream in popular culture: Arabic and Islamic. In G. E. von Grunebaum & R. Caillois (Eds.), The dream in human societies (pp. 365-379). Berkeley: University of California Press.

Matar, Z. (1990). Dreams and dream interpretation in The Faraj Al- Mâhmûm of Ibn Tawûs. Muslim World, 80, 165-175. [examines 4 dreams from a 13th-century manuscript]

Meier, F. (1966). Some aspects of inspiration by demons in Islam. In G. E. von Grunebaum & R. Caillois (Eds.), The dream in human societies (pp. 421-429). Berkeley: University of California Press.

Musk, B. (1988). Dreams and the ordinary Muslim. Mid-Stream, 16, 163- 172.

Pruett, G. E. (1985). Through a glass darkly: Knowledge of the self in dreams in Ibn Khaldun's Muqaddima. Muslim World, 75(1), 29-44.

Dreams in Sufism

Algan, R. (1992). The dream of the sleeper: Dream interpretation and meaning in Sufism. Gnosis, 22, 51-53.

Ewing, K. E. (1990). The dream of spiritual initiation and the organization of self representations among Pakistani Sufis. American Ethnologist, 17(1), 56-74.

Vaughan-Lee, L. (1992). The call and the echo: Sufi dreamwork & the psychology of the beloved (E. K. Helminski, Ed.). Putney, VT: Threshold Books.

Vaughan-Lee, L. (1994). In the company of friends: Dreamwork within a Sufi group. Inverness, CA: Golden Sufi Center.

Vaughan-Lee, L. (1998). Catching the thread: Sufism, dreamwork & Jungian psychology. Inverness: Golden Sufi Center. [Originally published by Threshold, 1992]

-- Hendrika Vande Kemp (, October 29, 2001.

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