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NASA wants volunteers to go to bed for a month[EXCERPT]
WASHINGTON, Oct. 23 — The perfect job for troubled times just may be at NASA, where researchers are offering $11 an hour to volunteers who agree to go to bed for a month.
-- Rich (, October 25, 2001
“These effects include cardiovascular deconditioning, muscle atrophy, decreased bone strength, and shifts in fluid and electrolyte balance,” he said.I hope NASA carries adequate liability insurance.
-- David L (, October 25, 2001.
I've got to wonder what that "in bed" exercise entails, and WHO decides who engages.
-- Anita (, October 25, 2001.
Let's do the arithmetic: 24 hrs x $11/hr x 30 days = $7920 plus free room and board for month out of your life. Would probably help some folks financially IF they could handle the prodding, poking and 30 days of down angled bedpan service. Uh, no thanks. Not EXACTLY a perfect job.
-- Aunt Bee (, October 25, 2001.
I wonder if we can have conjugal visits?
-- Just (sort@of.wondering), October 25, 2001.