A few of your favorite things

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I bought a pair of fabulous suede boots on Saturday.

I want to marry them.

What are your favorite things?

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2001


My very fabulous black purse I got at Banana and now can't live without; my pearl earrings; chanel powder; Rocket Dog shoes; white Hanes t-shirts; CD burners; Sharpie pens; Frito-Lay sunflower seeds; Hannah.

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2001

The scarf I'm knitting. Y'all, it's green/white wool and blue/green wool together, and after only 10 rows I've given up the idea of giving it to my cousin as a Christmas present, and have claimed it for my own self.

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2001

I'm rather fond of my engagement ring. I'm also smitten with the lighting in my office, as it makes my ring especially sparkly. I stare at it all the time. So sad, I know.

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2001

Boo, Buddha, Skinny Minnie -- my 13-year old tabby cat. She is my most favorite thing.

Yes my cat has 24 names and I AM crazy cat lady. Now you know.

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2001

I'm rather fond of my engagement ring.

Post a picture!

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2001

T and her engagement ring with the Sparkliest Diamond Evah.

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2001

Well, it's pretty basic - it's a round solitaire in a four-pronged platinum setting. But it is very sparkly, especially in my office and my kitchen. Very ring-friendly lighting, those rooms.

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2001

Well, now if I don't say my engagement ring, I look like a big tool, so that goes first. And besides, I worship at the altar of my ring daily. It's perfect for me.

My black coach bag, Merril sandals, my black hoodie that (in my mind) conceals all my figure flaws, and my sweet old car Millie, almost daily talks with Mom, and my baby hoop earrings that stay in my ears no matter how hard I snag them on towels or toss in my sleep.

Oh, and the Pirate's Booty. Can't forget the Pirate's Booty. Loving the Booty. You betcha.

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2001

By the way, if anyone ever sees a "Homemaker's Guide" vintage World War II poster -- it's gray or white with red and blue lettering, I think, and lots of text -- on eBay or anything else, and tells me, I will love them for a long time to come. I let that poster slip through my fingers last year and haven't seen it since.

eBay. I love eBay. I want to have, like, ten thousand of its little auction babies.

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2001

My new Nikes without laces. So cool and comfy. My pajama pants, because I'm tired today. Black pants, in general. Candy corn and those little sugary pumpkins. Hell, all seasonal candies. Silver rings, hair clips, lip gloss, manicured nails.....

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2001

My long black merino sweater coat from Brooks Brothers. My CD from Hannah. All of y'all.

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2001

my thomasville sleigh bed, my feather pillow (which i've had since i was like, 6...) and my comforter are three of my favorite things. especially right now because i am tired and they are all i am thinking of.

and hannah's boots. because i could have bought a pair of my own and i didn't. my closet is incomplete without the beauty of those boots.

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2001

Seriously. They're gorgeous. I was caressing them and I told miranda I was going to write an entry about them. I might not take it THAT far, but still.

Plus, they were on SALE.

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2001

my silver (actually white gold, but what the hell) ring, my maui knot slides, the cels I haven't hung up yet (they'll be even better to admire in frames), the cd will made me; seriously, I can't get enough of it....worth the effort of waiting a month or so for it.

oh yeah, as for non-objects, love, fall, lollipops (they do disappear!), and the peacoat I don't have (it's a non-object till I actually have one...hah!)

I'm possibly forgetting somethings here, but that tis all for now. siiigh.

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2001

Hannah, I think I drooled when I read about your merino wool sweater. Hey, you live in a warm climate now, maybe that sweet thang should come visit Auntie Robyn for the season.

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2001

Actually, it's a little chilly today. I'm crabby. When I sign up for 80 degrees year round, that's what I expect, dammit.

But weather appropriate or not, no way am I parting with this baby.

http://www.brooksbrothers.com/IWCatProductPage.process? Merchant_Id=1&Section_Id=245&pcount=&Product_Id=589451

-- Anonymous, October 23, 2001

My Steve Madden Slinky shoes. AHHHH love i tell you.

Black bean quesadillas from the Ass . . ahem . . I mean burro.

Kramerbooks . . sigh

The compliment man.

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2001

My new favorite thing is a leather jacket that belonged to Allison's father which Joann gave to me. It is big, and substantial and warm. Although I never experienced it, I beleive that wearing this jacket feels a lot like getting a huge hug from Bill Lowe himself. I don't think I will take it off until August.

-- Anonymous, October 29, 2001

a silver bracelet with my initials without which I am never. Downy Wrinkle Releaser. Tweezers. Law & Order. Vodka. Longhorn football. A blue-&-white-striped oxford I stole from my brother. Clear mascara. Cheddar cheese Combos crackers.

-- Anonymous, October 29, 2001

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