Where to find anime shops in Malaysia?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I can't seem to find any anime shops in Malaysia.There are some(but not exactly an anime shop)but it seems the shop doesn't sell any anime that i have asked like Tenchi Muyo(just crazy about this show).So does anyone knows any anime shop in Malaysia?

-- Chin Hsian Lung (sky825@hotmail.com), October 21, 2001


Are you kidding. There's anime shop eveywhere. You can try www.vcdncd.com which has a very large anime DVD collection.

-- Raymond (raymond614@hotmail.com), October 26, 2001.

www.coolvcd.co.uk! - Excellent range - also DVD's available!

-- Wyze (hemail@ukfun.com), November 05, 2001.

Why not try www.videocds.com, all original VCD and DVD

-- Kelly (kelly_teoh255@yahoo.com), November 06, 2001.

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