Film loading Leica M3 : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Please help I have just obtained a Leica M3 that I want to use. The camera did not come with a take up spool, I obtained one for an M3 but the camera has some sort of device fixed to the baseplate for film loading that means the spool does not fit. I have seen and used other M3's without this device which seems to be a factory part does anyone know what I have and what kind of take up spool will work thanks any input would be appreciated. Steve

-- Steve Hughes (, October 20, 2001


Response to Film lading Leica M3

Steve, What you may have is a portion of the quick -load kit attached to the portion of the baseplate that holds the take-up spool in. It's been a while, but, I believe you can remove it by looking to the side of the device and searching for a screw. Loosen it and it should come off. Alternatively, you may have the baseplate for an M4 with a basket -like device to hold the film in place.

-- Henry Chu (, October 20, 2001.

Response to Film lading Leica M3

Henry; thanks for your answer I found the screw and will try and remove thanks for your input Steve

-- Steve Hughes (, October 20, 2001.

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