The Antichrist has been born! : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Look at the EVIL in those eyes! He is obviously very pissed off that his home has been bombed and he has been moved to a refugee camp. One day, he will get his revenge! Babylon will fall!
An Afghan girl tends to her younger brother as she sits with other members of the Haji's family at Jalozai refugee camp, some 45 kilometers (29 miles) southeast of Peshawar, Pakistan, Thursday, Oct. 18, 2001. The camp houses a majority of Afhan refugees who have been in Pakistan for years, but new refugees managed to cross illegally into the country despite the Pakistani government keeping its border with Afghanistan closed. (AP Photo/Shabbir Hussain Imam)
-- (we'll@be.soorrry!), October 19, 2001
The Afghan girl is blonde. Did the Vikings once "penetrate" Afghanistan?
-- Lars (, October 19, 2001.
Shirley, you can't be serious! Her roots are brown. Blonde could be from the Sun, or it is also occurs sometimes because of malnutrition.
-- i am serious (and don't call @ me. shirley), October 19, 2001.
You are SICK to make jokes about those poor children
-- (cin@cin.cin), October 19, 2001.
I wasn't joking. I believe he could be the Antichrist. I have never seen eyes so full of evil, except maybe that kid in "The Omen" movie. It hurts just to look at them, I must turn my head away for fear of being possessed by Satan.
-- god save me (holy roller @ bible. thumper), October 19, 2001.
Damian just needs his diapers changed. The girl is dishwater blonde. She has Norse blood. I can tell these things.
-- Lars (, October 19, 2001.
Who cares what race they are? They are innocent children. And the kids in that photo are someone's precious gift from God. Not items for you to callously joke about and insult. For shame.
-- (...@.. ...), October 19, 2001.
What’s that kid playing with? Looks like a timer fuse from a C-4 packet.
-- Head (for@the.hills), October 19, 2001.
Fuck them. Put them in the meat grinder with the rest of them
-- Kill Arabs (have@clean.planet), October 19, 2001.
Actually the children look human.
-- fwiw (waht@is.worth?), October 20, 2001.
Children suffering is a great tragedy. Why haven't we seen any pictures of the children who died in the WTC? Oh, wait, that's right. They were blown into such tiny bits there was nothing left. War is hell. Afghan children will suffer. Tell Osama.
-- (bomb afghanistan@and.Iraq), October 20, 2001.
And here I'd always thought that it was Martha Stewart who was the Antichrist!
-- E.H.Porter (, October 20, 2001.
The Second Coming, W. B. Yeats
-- Lars (, October 20, 2001.
We are SORRY for not bombing the towel heads off the fucking map. They bang their fucking heads at the age of 6. Dont you watch the cable channel? Are you fucking stupid? Given the opportunity these little towel head fucking shits would blow your ass to kingdom come. This war is bullshit at its finest. We should nuke the fucking place and be done with it. Fuck the devil child. He is simply a terrorist in training. In case you dont know it these mfer's give their kids away to the taliban. In exchange for some clothes and food. WAKE THE FUCK UP. Pity is what got us into this fucking mess. Do ANY of you assholes have kids in the fucking military? Body bags have been flown over. When yours comes home in a bag (and I hope not) then you will underfucking stand.
-- (Fuck@the.towelheaded DAMIAN), October 20, 2001.
Dont you watch the cable channel?
YOU WATCH 2 MUCH tv HAWKMIESTER!Youlive 2 many enemies evrywhrere.
-- (the world@is not your.enemy), October 20, 2001.
cute kids. Hawk do all 7 year old girls scare you?
-- bogsworth (running@on.8cylinders), October 21, 2001.