I saw a NATO AWACS today

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All, I saw one of the NATO AWACS today.

I am having to take hubby to the base tomorrow to pick up his van, as he is getting a new car today and won't be able to drive both home. I will be right next to where they are parked, if they aren't all out doing their job.

Anyone want me to try to take a picture and post it?

-- Anonymous, October 19, 2001


That would be neat. RAL's readers would have a field day with it too!

-- Anonymous, October 19, 2001

Only if you don't get caught. I would think they would frown on that.

Besides, I think we can find a nice foto of one on line these days. Anyone can find pictures of military planes.

Y'all be careful, now, ya hear?

-- Anonymous, October 19, 2001

Sheeple, to be blunt, don't do it. I don't think you should take the picture in the first place and for sure not post it. Even though this is a protected forum, I still think you might get in very bad trouble.

-- Anonymous, October 19, 2001


I haven't ever seen a "No Pictures" sign there. I could take pictures of hubbies plane, which is much more secret than an AWACS. I won't be able to tour them (either the AWACS or hubbies), so it would only be of the outside.

I wonder if I'll be able to get onto the tarmac? Doubt it, as that is a secure spot. But I'll be driving right by them. I want to snap a few just for history, so my son will know that they weren't the bad guys everyone is trying to make them out to be.


-- Anonymous, October 19, 2001

Maybe I should ask Hubby if it is okay ....

I'd hate to get into trouble. ;)

Seriously, I think I'll be fine. They are parked out in the open. Hubby has seen all five of them. I asked him if he knew where the crews were housed but he didn't.

I was thinking of having a gathering, and giving them a good home cooked meal, just as my way of saying "THANKS!"

If any of you really want to know the reasons why I think they are here, I'll be more than glad to tell you.


-- Anonymous, October 19, 2001

Yes, I'd be interested to hear your ideas.

I ran into a spook during my wanderings up in Michigan on Thursday, and I'm not sure what to think. This individual is in "middle management." I asked the usual questions about specific threats. This person said the same thing that another (local) spook said, "I know as much as you do."

I wonder if they've been told to say that to stem potential panics.

-- Anonymous, October 19, 2001

We only have so many AWACS crews. They are scattered around the world still doing the job that they were doing before, and still need to do. Now we currently have a larger demand, thus our crews which are active are being sent to deal with bin Laden and company. We need someone to patrol our skies. I had much rather have NATO here covering our skies, than have them working with us doing OUR job on the front lines. Their mission is to identify planes (possible targets) to notify all other military aircraft in the area. That way the bombers and fighters only have to concentrate on their mission. The AWACS can see so much farther than the radar on the bombers and fighter jets (among other things). They can feed the coordinates into the fighters, so that if they are going to shoot them down that they can do it before they can ever "see" them. Plus, there is a simple fact that many do not know. Air Crews can only fly so many hours per month (I think it is 120 or something really close) before they are downed. Flying over that much can cause some real health problems. They just want to keep our boys safe and sound.

-- Anonymous, October 19, 2001

Thanks for sharing!

-- Anonymous, October 19, 2001

Among all my field guides (birds, rock, and stuff), one of my favorites is my Peterson series on airplanes. I'm pretty sure there is a good diagram of an AWACS in there. It's a field guide, designed to help you recognize differences in planes from a distance.

Sheeple, I don't think you should be taking pictures.

-- Anonymous, October 19, 2001

AWACS are constantly in the air here, along with other things. It is cool to watch the B1B fly. That is one impressive plane.

Since I moved out to the boonies, I don't get to see them near as much as I used to, as I used to live close to the primary runway.

-- Anonymous, October 19, 2001

I think your idea to invite them all over is a GREAT one. They do so appreciate such generous offers, really they do. They also appreciate help in getting to the best shopping areas, that sort of thing, so they can buy gifts for their families.

But when in the hell are you going to have time? You must ask SAR how to be three people.

-- Anonymous, October 21, 2001

The NATO AWACS weren't in a position for me to take a picture of them while I was on base Saturday. I did however get to see another as it left to do its mission yesterday while I was outside working.

As for inviting them over, I'd only do one or two crews at a time. It won't be so bad, cause I love to cook.

Gotta figure out how to get rid of scorpions first. Two months and not a single sighting, then in less than 24 hours spotted (and killed) three. One was in the kitchen and started to crawl up my MIL's leg.

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2001

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