Pizza sauce : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I need a good pizza sauce recipe

-- Darla Hansen (, October 18, 2001


What I have used in the past is very simple. I put basil in tomato sauce. You can use fresh or dried basil. If you use fresh, use about twice as much. This works well and is very good.

-- Tom S. (, October 19, 2001.

Pureed tomatoes (canned works fine) and oregano. If it seems bitter, add a bit of sugar to taste.

-- Judi (, October 19, 2001.

I use tomato sauce, basil, oregano, garlic and onion and cook it til it thickens.

-- ugly (, October 19, 2001.

check on Copycat Recipes or similar. Pizza Papa John's knockoff sauce uses lemon juice to give a slight bite that is pleasant.

-- Gailann Schrader (, October 21, 2001.

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