The GOYA Thread : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

And I don't mean the Spanish painter or the bean provider, though both are worthy of discussion.

GOYA, in this case, stands for Get Off Your Ass. We all have things we need our asses kicked on: list 'em, and solicit ass-kickings as needed, here.

My two current GOYA projects are (1) finish the story I'm working on and (2) start regularly dancing again -- I found a class that meets Friday nights, finally.

Kick me.

-- Anonymous, October 18, 2001


If I remember your journal correctly, isn't the end of October your deadline? Ooooh, it's fast approaching!

My GOYA projects:

Clean up hard drive on old computer and donate computer to the school.

TLC on car. Check fluids, wash and wax.

Rent "Attack the Gas Station!"

Flying side kick for me.

-- Anonymous, October 18, 2001

Rent "Attack the Gas Station!"

Melissa, you just fucking made my day. I love you.

If you have a DVD player, I think you want the Spectrum DVD, not the Mei Ah one. It will do funky things to your screen because the 16:9 ratio is off, but that's a very simple problem easily solved by changing a setting on your screen.

If you don't have a DVD player, you may be SOL -- I don't know of its availability anywhere on VHS.

-- Anonymous, October 18, 2001

I'm dropkicking you two, right now. Get on it.

My GOYA projects (and how much do I LOVE that the grocery stores in my neighborhood have entire Goya aisles?? Not that I have ever purchased a Goya product, but anyway):

-Finish rewriting my short script. And this, actually, I should be doing NOW, instead of sharing this list. But anyway. It will be done by tomorrow for class. I hope.

-Get back on WW. Seriously. I can't let "I wore sweatpants to school today for my monologue in acting class (fancy sweatpants with flared legs, don't worry) and they're baggy and I feel sloppy so I'll just go get a Whopper Jr. Value meal" and other lame rationalizations fly anymore.

-Get some work done on my feature. And pronto.

Kick me into gear, kids.

-- Anonymous, October 18, 2001

Here's the VCD and D VD purchase links.

I'm not obsessed with this film. Really, I'm not.

-- Anonymous, October 18, 2001

I have some bits of chipboard in the hall that will eventually end up as supports for shelves in my wardrobe. I must put them together this weekend or the world may come to an end. Then I have to clean my desk, which is probably the more arduous of the two tasks.

I also have to go to the dentist (too many teeth), the osteopath (dodgy ankles) and the doctor (lots of stuff).

I'd kick myself but the ankles are dodgy.

-- Anonymous, October 18, 2001

Billy Blanks, yall. You'll have to kick me in the ribs because my ass is firmly planted on the couch. I MUST get moving!

Working on the book we are putting together for Christmas for each of Partner's family members. It's very exciting, and I can't seem to make myself get it done.

Look. For. A. Job. I did network with some wonderful women last night, so that's a start. If things go the way I want them to, I will be utilizing my talents for humanitarian goals! There are some organizations here that work for women's concerns, and I want to put my energies there. Working for positive change, that's my goal.

So, to recap: Get skinny, get motivated, and get money working to improve society! Kick me!

-- Anonymous, October 18, 2001

Goya this! hmmm I miss little Latino markets in DC that everything GOYA.

1. get a job. anyway job. the bank account is dwindling 2. get that legal job 3. get off my ass so it stop growing. fat don't like homes with earthquakes.

-- Anonymous, October 18, 2001

1. get the items in the closet listed on eBay sometime in the next week or so. good selling days are tuesday, thursday, friday, sunday.
2. dye my hair some other colour but this...blech.
3. buy hair products to fix my hair first actually
4. demand to know when S will visit the next time he signs on; not taking anymore of this wait and see...siiigh Will tomorrow
6. do a new layout for my weblog. man, yo! it's been since february that I've had that pink/grey thing up! hah. my ass needs kickin'

-- Anonymous, October 18, 2001

Well, I did get 1,000 words down last night. It's a start.

-- Anonymous, October 19, 2001

1. go to the freakin' gym regularly (Mon.-Thurs. people.)

2. go to the gym

3. go to the damn gym already

-- Anonymous, October 19, 2001

hmmm...let's see. there are so many. damn.

i need to decide, once and for all, if i'm going to stay at my current job, or if i should finally get off my ass and get motivated.

i need to start training (again!) for triatholons (namely, go to the swim team i've joined and paid for!)

i need to balance my time better and start saying "no" to the things i don't really want to do.

-- Anonymous, October 19, 2001

Oh, Kimi. Remember when we'd go to the rec center together? And now you're doing triathlons and I peak out after 20 minutes on the elliptical.


-- Anonymous, October 19, 2001

Damn, do I ever miss that Rec center full of hot boys. Drank myself into oblivion this weekend at a wedding in's that for fitness?

Take that elliptical trainer!

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2001

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