Update on our house....with photos of course....

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-- Anonymous, October 18, 2001


bump to new answers.

-- Anonymous, October 18, 2001

Glad to see that progress is being made. :)

-- Anonymous, October 18, 2001

thank you. we are too. we really hate this hotel living. Although the chambermaid is real nice. We discussed bed making last monday because she wanted to know if someone had already been here to do it. I had made the bed, and she was impressed. Guess it was sexist thinking on her part, but then she probably never knew men could do that. LOL

-- Anonymous, October 18, 2001

Wow! You make beds? I only do that when I change the sheets and when someone's visiting.

-- Anonymous, October 19, 2001

I made the bed because I knew she was coming. LOL

-- Anonymous, October 19, 2001

That's quite an undertaking!

-- Anonymous, October 19, 2001

(your house project, not making the bed)

-- Anonymous, October 19, 2001

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