17 Oct 01: Fisherman Accused Of Fishy Story

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Hassle Mike Anonymously : One Thread

Fisherman Accused Of Fishy Story / Bass Contest Winner Stripped Of Title [Rio Vista, CA]: "'It's upsetting, especially when you're not a cheater or liar,' Storm said yesterday.

"...with a $19,000 Klamath GTX fishing boat along with a 50- horsepower Mercury outboard and an E-Z Loader trailer at stake, officials decided that the winning fisherman would have to pass a polygraph. 'This year we decided to get really serious," Rubiaco said. With the value of the boat, we had decided in advance that we were going to use it no matter what.'"

Maybe it's just me, but I think these guys could have saved themselves $19,000 and a lawsuit, if, instead of hiring that polygraph operator, they just hired some guy to stand on his bathroom scale and hold fish.

-- Anonymous, October 17, 2001

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