Domain piracy : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

Because who knew this happened? Not I.

-- Anonymous, October 17, 2001


Well, we know that WriterGirl truly is Googleicious.

-- Anonymous, October 17, 2001

Thank you for those articles, WG.

OOOO that one from the Doing Freedom guy was VERY interesting. It seems if you don't act like you're ready to fork over a bunch of money for the domain, Mr. Abrams will drop his temporary registration and you can take it over again.

Although dude. A little paranoid about the thought police? I don't think they're behind the thing... OR ARE THEY?!?!

Oh that freakin first article. "I took a guy's domain away to leech off his traffic and attempt to extort money from him, but then they stopped me!" A thousand tiny violins, asshole!!! GRRRR.

-- Anonymous, October 17, 2001

How do they even know which sites have a lot of traffic, and are therefore worth swiping? Have fun stealing my domain and my, in the big scheme of things, small amount of daily visitors.

Omar - are your sitemeter stats public?

-- Anonymous, October 17, 2001

Carry on, folks, carry on. Nothing to see here, no siree.

-- Anonymous, October 17, 2001

I was hoping to get somewhere based on the phone number, but obviously an 877 # could be anywhere, and a lot of different places have the 318 prefix on an 877 number. Damn.

-- Anonymous, October 17, 2001

Some host companies sell info on the domains that they host - stats, etc. Some companies just pay people at host companies under the table to sell info to them. My old one did - and I got an offer to add editorialized advertising to my site, based on it. F*ckers.

-- Anonymous, October 17, 2001

They're 719. colorado springs/woodland springs, CO. area. Their P.O. Box is on the whois for terriblyhappy on network solutions.

I sleuth, too.

-- Anonymous, October 17, 2001

There's a link to an email address for the hated Mr. Abrams on his article. Do we think mass emails from terriblyhappy fans would do any good?

-- Anonymous, October 17, 2001

Apparently the motherfuckers have figured out was a funny site, because now it's "the definitive guide to Comedy resources on the internet."


-- Anonymous, October 17, 2001

I'm gonna hold off on calling for a huge e-mail flood until I hear from the guy. Something might still be worked out. But if it does come down to moving my site and letting them have, then there's definitely gonna be a rumble first.

-- Anonymous, October 17, 2001

Ooo, ooo, Rumble! Are we the Sharks or the Jets? Will there be dancing and switchblades and jackets and greasy hair and girls who feel pretty?

-- Anonymous, October 17, 2001

Speaking of West Side Story, I learned last night that Nixon walked out of the movie because of all the "race mixing propaganda."

-- Anonymous, October 17, 2001

I'm fairly certain we get to be Sharks.

I call shotgun on being Maria. Except for the dead part.

-- Anonymous, October 17, 2001

I call whoever gets to make out with George Chakiris.

-- Anonymous, October 18, 2001

You know what? It's too bad there's not like a hacker A-Team you can call when shit like this goes down. BA and Murdoch with too many keyboards and too much time on their hands, subverting the man and helping the little guy get his domain back. That would rock.

-- Anonymous, October 18, 2001

Murdock!!! Why hast thou forsaken me!

-- Anonymous, October 18, 2001

Enough with this jibber jabber. let's kick some stealing ass!!

-- Anonymous, October 19, 2001

may not be necessary -- got some registrars on the case and they're being very helpful. Turns out that having a copyright goes a long way toward securing a domain name.

-- Anonymous, October 19, 2001

Omar - did you copyright "Terribly Happy"? I'm confus-ed.

Also, not sure if is up yet because I keep getting a 403 Forbidden.

-- Anonymous, October 19, 2001

copyrighted, yes. You have implied copyright as long as you label your site so. That lasts for a good while. So yes, I have a copyright, and if I get my domain back, it'll probably be on those grounds. I'm talking to both registrars (my former one and the one used to swipe mine) and telling them that this person made a bad faith domain purchase. on those grounds it's possible the domain would revert back to me if I can prove copyright infringement, under the 1999 anti-cybersquatting law.

If your'e getting the apache error, that's good because it means your DNS is pointing to the right place. My ISP is working on their server to fix the problem.

-- Anonymous, October 19, 2001

YAY! I got to!

Of course that's not as loud or as boisterous a YAY as I will emit when Omar actually gets his domain name back. But it's better than a 403 or 404!

Ooooo the copyright thing sounds promising! Good luck, Omar.

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2001

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