What kind of sheep?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

Several months ago my great aunt was telling me of a breed of sheep that she had growing up. You did not have to shear them at all. They were no trouble. This sounds great. I am looking for some and have no ideas what their name is. The guy at the farm store told me I was just dreaming , that there was noting like that out there! Help! Any suggestions, or ideas where to look?

-- Micheale from SE Kansas (mbfrye@totelcsi.net), October 17, 2001


Micheale you are not dreaming. They are called Barbado Sheep I have 3. One just had twins 2 weeks ago. They can be hard to find. usually if you check out Alternative Livestock sales, or Exotic Animals Auctions you may be able to find them. They are not to high, you can usually find one about 2 months old for around $60. Adults does usually around $100. I can't remember the name right now but I believe that their is several other types of sheep that do not require shearing. Micheale here is a farm WWW.barkingrock.com that will show you what they look like. if you can't get their by this in you search type in Barbado Sheep or Barking Rock Farm. Hope this info helps. God Bless. Tracy

-- tracy emily in TN (emilyfarms@tsixroads.com), October 17, 2001.

If you don't have to shear them, how do you get the wool off?

-- Laura (LadybugWrangler@hotmail.com), October 18, 2001.

Kahtadin sheep are also what's called "hair sheep". Barbados and kahtadins can be found wherever people are training sheepdogs, especially in the Sunbelt states. Lots easier to keep than woolies, and they don't tire and heat up when the dogs are working them. You might find them by doing a search through ASCA, the Australian Shepherd Club of America. There are lots of folks who train herding dogs in the club.

-- melina b. (goatgalmjb1@hotmail.com), October 18, 2001.

Laura, the wool sheds naturally in the spring. They have hair and wool and the wool just comes out in clumps. It makes good stuffing for pillows if you wash it. We have katadhins and they are very nice sheep. They are smaller than most wool breeds. We have one barbados also, and she is very small.

-- Jean (schiszik@tbcnet.com), October 19, 2001.

i have just gotten this sheep from a friend who had a set of twinss and had to bottle feed it. i know nothing about the barbado sheep and find them very interesting. i need to know all you can e-mail about this species. they are so beautiful and am considering raising them. this will be a pet and about 2 weeks old. some day i may need to purchase some. right now i bottle feed her with lamb supplement. is there anything else i need to feed her and how cold of weather can they tolerate. i live in ok. ruthie

-- ruth e shoumaker (ruthiehair@aol.com), February 01, 2002.

they are called barbado.you can also look under barbado blackbelly.they can come in various colors from black&tan to black to what is called painted dessert which is multi colored.we started less than 2 years ago with 1 bottle baby & now have 19. we have 7 rams we need to sell if someone needs one. they love good grass,briarleaves,oaktree leaves,and pecan leaves. they can be very gentle with human interaction. good luck. they are fairly abundant in this area

-- jimmy (lbrewskix2@aol.com), October 21, 2002.

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