bright vague streak on prints with M6 : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

On some prints taken with M6 there is a bright, vague vertical streak. It's not the film or development because on unexposed frames no such phenomenon exists. I feel the shutter might be sticking at that point allowing too much light to reach the negative. Any ideas? Also, on another M6 body the shutter does release upon pressing the shutter release botton but when the shutter speed dial is turned the shutter releases. Any ideas? Also, in a former inquiry I asked re: a broken pin in the back plate. It cost $85 to have a new pin installed. (The advantages of living in Japan?) Thanks for your attention!

-- Michael W. Maksimuk (, October 16, 2001


Check out these responses to a similar question.

This may be what you're experiencing with the streaks. If not, explain how it's different so we can brainstorm the problem further.

Shutter dial 'release' stumps me, but probably someone else will have ideas. I used to have a Nikon FM that released if you pushed the DOF preview lever. Probably just something slightly out of adhustment.

-- Andy Piper (, October 16, 2001.

This sounds like the "Leitz leaks" described in J'Accuse Leica.

-- Phil Stiles (, October 16, 2001.

The first thing to do is check for film chips that are causing the shutter to hang. Use a locking cable release with the shutter set to "B". This will hold the shutter open so you can carefully inspect the film gate. If there is nothing there then it is time for a CLA.


-- John Collier (, October 17, 2001.

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