
greenspun.com : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

I don't mean your daddy. I mean the irritations, pains, horrors, and insufferabilities life throws your way.

For example: Empire Blue PPO. Hate.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001



I feel sure there's more, but that'll do for Tuesday's bitching.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Hate: ...being stuck indoors since my damn ankle is roughly the size of a softball...


...Britney Spears.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Catheters. People who say 'utilize' instead of 'use'. Anyone who wants to 'dialogue' with me, or wants me to dollarize something, or generally throws buzzwords around. Cap sleeves. Thank you notes that come on foldover cards that have the words 'Thank You' printed on the front of them. Girls who try to pass rhinestones off as diamonds - either don't wear 'em at all, or be honest about it.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

the air conditioning vent over my desk;
people who make me write things like "so-and-so is agreeable to action this work item" so I have to take my name off the finished product because it causes me physical discomfort;
people who want me to devote one fifth of the user manual to a function that only one person can access, especially as that person will be trained anyway and we will be brought back to do the major work;
chronic depression;
the HDK help authoring tool;
political parties ignoring the *five* No Junk Mail signs on my letterbox and giving me stupid propaganda anyway.
Also, the lack of footy until next March.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

1. Having PCOS 2. Bad doctors 3. Self righteousness 4. Bad manners, most especially being inconsiderate of the feelings of those around you. I'm not sure when it became fashionable to be disagreeable in order to try to make yourself look more self assured, but gracious, pleasant company is damn hard to come by. 5. Flaky people 6. That I missed the kickass journalcon!

Right now, the world is just full of people who are making me hate them. I don't know if it's a side effect of being my age and being surrounded by "university" people or if it's my long awaited menstrual cycle sending hormones raging through me.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Oh, and the fact that I am incapable of making a list, evidently. But that's not hate, that's just irritating.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Oh yeah, I forgot one.

...flagging on dead end roads. I HATE THAT!

-- Anonymous, October 17, 2001

1. allergies; especially when my left eye twitches and burns and waters...eckeck
2. the fact that the frikkin earrings on eBay still won't sell no matter what I do. I'm about to put them up for the SEVENTH time! soon enough I'll be up to my ears in fees and the thing'll be worthless anyway
3. long distance love. I guess better than no love at all, but I can't take anymore. either visit or don't.
4. messages from random people who use bad grammar; especially if written like this "I from pakistan. how r u? I want meet nice girl. a/s/l?" not really the fact of where they're from, but cause they don't speak right. I don't have time for that. good thing I block now. ugh. takes care of one hate!
5. the fact that a good friend of a year ago won't email back or reply anymore; I frikkin miss him. doesn't he get it? it's not like I like him in that way anymore, so it should be okay to come back in contact. some people infuriate me. in general.
6. rashes and blemishes
7. cranky AOL ...the bitch. hah.

-- Anonymous, October 17, 2001

off-topic -

Amber, I have one pair of crappy earrings on eBay that won't sell either and I can't figure out why. Seriously, these are cute, so what's the problem?

Anyway, just wanted to share the No-Sellin' love.

-- Anonymous, October 17, 2001

The Poverty. I'm full of hate for it.

Also a bit annoyed with myself for being such a baby about being broke all the time, especially when most of the people in my neighborhood and my fellow bus-riders are REALLY broke, not just living of student loans and a parental allowance broke. But still. I still hate it.

-- Anonymous, October 17, 2001

PG, I will buy those earrings. Seriously. Show me the way.

-- Anonymous, October 17, 2001

PG - how high did ya put em up for? they look nice. too bad my ears aren't pierced - see, that's why I'm selling mine. they were a gift. I have no use for them.

mine are here. I haven't relisted them yet since they ended last week, but I might try for lower. worth $179 (according to receipt; but unreturnable) and these people want em for $30 or something! man oh man. people infuriate me. hehe. I got a few emails of people badmouthing me about the earrings too. I should just say, "here! have em for hardly nothin'! sheesh!"

-- Anonymous, October 17, 2001

I hate how I can't get my lazy ass out of bed in the morning.

I hate ladybugs because they're EVERYWHERE. All in my house. Everywhere.

I also have nothing but hate for bills.

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2001

The pound-to-dollar exchange rate? And how the dollar got mysteriously stronger between the time I submitted a claim and the time it got approved? Hate.

Oh, and my own slacker tendencies, meaning I got no work done today. Mega-hate.

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2001

I hate it that I don't really have Internet access at work yet. Of course, I have been getting so mujch work done, it's weird.

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2001

Keli, are you serial? 'cause we can work out a sweet deal. I was trying to make a little caysh off eBay - think I had 'em listed at $30-something (retail was $40-something), but you and I, we can get you in these adorable brand-new never-worn-or-removed-from-card Ralph CZs for a song. Well, and maybe a little $$ but I won't be trying to make any money off you, honest. Just e-mail me!

-- Anonymous, October 23, 2001

Sweetie, I will as soon as I figure out what your real email address is.

-- Anonymous, October 23, 2001

That is her email address, K.

-- Anonymous, October 23, 2001

George fucking Lucas. HATE you motherfucker.

The damn Weinsteins. Hate 'em.

Whoever the hell is running Disney, or rather their film distribution company Buena Vista, these days. Really hate 'em.

Really hating myself for thinking this is a good job.

-- Anonymous, October 23, 2001

I hate greenspun when it freaks the F out.

-- Anonymous, October 25, 2001

1. Bloggerbot not being on AIM when I feel like updating my weblog
2. the earrings still not selling and they end on saturday; will they just diiiie? I wish I never got 'em; that bday sucked anyway
3. my underwear were made for small people with big butts; I hardly have a butt hence the frustration
4. my face breaking out
5. songs that are banned for copyright, so I can't download them!!
6. never seeing my boyfriend online (well, hardly! he doesn't even exist practically; long distance is hard enough :\ ), but seeing the one who I was tempted by almost every single day and he wants to hang out again which is making my head hurt cause he says things that make me like him and then says things that make me all sad and offended, too. gaaah I hate it.
7. bloatedness - nuff said.

-- Anonymous, October 25, 2001

Neal Boortz. Oh my God. HATE. Neal, get OFF THE DAMN RADIO, I need a news update.

-- Anonymous, December 18, 2001

I had to resurrect the Thread of Hatred.

The title track off Sheryl Crow's new album sucks. I hate it, and it makes me hate her. All that squalling and screeching!! I've always considered her only marginally talented, but this song really makes me want to rip my beaver off.

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2002

I hate ripped beavers.

That's about it.

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2002

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