"One ring to rule them all, One ring to find them. One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them."greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Would you have journeyed to Mordor with Frodo?
-- Rich (living_in_interesting_times@hotmail.com), October 16, 2001
Fellowship of the Ring opens 12/19/2001! I'll buy the popcorn, but we HAVE to sit in the first row.
-- Rich (living_in_interesting_times@hotmail.com), October 16, 2001.
And another: The One Ring
-- Rich (living_in_interesting_times@hotmail.com), October 16, 2001.
Liv Tyler - woooo-wooo-wooo-wooo-wooo-wooo!!
-- curly (the@3.stooges), October 16, 2001.
I am there, dude."He shoots, He SCORES!"
-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), October 16, 2001.
Is the Tom Bombadil character going to be in the film? Someone told me not. He always struck me as the most mysterious of all Tolkiens' characters - the One Ring had no affect on him, even though Sauramen was done in by his lust for it, and Galadrial and Gandalf feared it for what it could turn them into.
-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), October 16, 2001.
Go ahead and sit in the front row with all the retarded kids, straining your neck to see the screen. I'll be in the back row, throwing goobers and raisinets at the back of your head.
-- (enjoy@the.show.NOT), October 16, 2001.
Bombadil is a great character and I for one didn't want to leave his house (you know what I mean), but then there wouldn't have been much of a story, would there. I highly doubt his character will be portrayed in the movie. Just not necessary to the unfolding of the story.Gotta find the movie house with the best sound & most comfy seats in all the land (NJ) for the first viewing.
Poll: What's yer favorite snack to munch while watching films? Do ya sneak food in from the outside?
-- Rich (living_in_interesting_times@hotmail.com), October 16, 2001.
Favorite snack? How's about onion rings?
-- Little Nipper (canis@minor.net), October 17, 2001.
Holy hell, I've not seen/smelled an onion ring munched in a movie thee-ate-her before. Course I don't exactly play mister nosy in yer business whilst at a picture show. Film watchin' is serious bidness. So I guess the missus preps 'em, bags 'em (I'd use foil myself), and sequesters those rings in her shoulder bag in order to evade the ticket takers eye? Thanks for the look into the REAL LN, LN.Or was that a pun on the One Ring theme? Forgive me, the tea has yet to take effect.
-- Rich (living_in_interesting_times@hotmail.com), October 17, 2001.
My fav used to be the popcorn (of course!) fresh out of the popper, salted and warm, contrasted with Jr Mints! Kind of a sweet and salty deal. Haven't thought about that in years!! NOISY, talkative people during a movie make me CRAZY!! A good reason to sit in the front, all the extraneous noise filters to the back, unless the house has perfect acoustics, which is rare nowadays, in my limited experience.
-- Aunt Bee (Aunt__Bee@hotmail.com), October 17, 2001.
Ooh yeah, Bee,That really suspicious Movie Theater popcorn & Junior Mints! That's the ticket.
In my mispent youth, Milk Duds may have done the trick.
-- flora (***@__._), October 17, 2001.
Sittingup front?! Are you folks sick?!{Gad}
-- flora (***@__._), October 17, 2001.
Actually flora, my fav spot is in the very last row, on the aisle! Guess I worked in the theatre too many years!!
-- Aunt Bee (Aunt__Bee@hotmail.com), October 17, 2001.
Ya know, after the {fairly recent} price increase, I think cutting the price to see movies would be a great gesture for the country right now.Did you see bob Altman's comments about "Hollywood inspiring the attacks"?
http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/entertainment/film/newsid_1604000/160 4151.stm
-- flora (***@__._), October 17, 2001.
hot tamales! =)
-- (cin@cin.cin), October 17, 2001.
Not until the end of the year, eh? I'm sure we'll venture out to see that one on the "big screen." For a while there, I was worried that we'd miss it, as SO now has the "bug" for a new T.V. It seems that tomorrow, or a day or two hence, the T.V. in the frontroom will be replaced with a new wide-screen number that accommodates the DVD player he bought on his last visit home. The T.V. in the frontroom will be moved into the room that his daughter [and her son] shared while they stayed here for a year.I don't know HOW she moved the crib in/out of that room, but she REALLY screwed up the carpeting. I spent the day today with a carpet stretcher and another guy who cleaned all the rugs in the house. I still have a bunch of manuals/school texts sitting in the foyer, but I sure do love looking around at a clean rug in my office. Heh. I may even dust the monitor. This "cleanliness" thing seems to be contagious.
-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), October 18, 2001.