Tuesday, Oct 16

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MATH : One Thread

People. There's anthrax everywhere and Meloonsa's got her own domain. (mesawyou.com) The world is ending.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001


She does? Gah.

Where is the anthrax? I told Omar to not open his mail at work-- aren't they sending it all to newspapers?

Okay. Al: I don't know WHY she's bald, she just is. It's axiomatic. And yes, y'all, I took a picture. I'll be mailing that out later this morning. Right after it takes me seventeen and a half years to update.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Are they sending it to newspapers? I just heard about the ABC one and some postal workers in Illinois. (Or was it Iowa?)

AB - can't wait for your update! Did you see on yesterdays thread how I said you can see Nixhilton as your organization on your notifies?

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

I don't know--I keep hearing about the media getting the anthrax, so that's why I said that.

Where is the organization part on an e-mail? I didn't see that. And how do I change it?

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

I think it might be part of outlook. But maybe it's part of topica, I'm not sure.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Hmmm. I don't see it. That's weird, and I don't know how to fix it, either!

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Did it show up on the email I forwarded?

Where is T? Isn't Mike on days?

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

No, and it makes me sad that I can't see it. It's okay, though.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

AB, you know what's funny? That you responded to Lorelei_Lee in the bill cosby thread and now she can't be the L_L.


-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Oh! That is sad, though! Poor girl can't even be her own self!

Did y'all read Omie's entry? He updated.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Nope, not yet. Did you get the notify already?

I know. L_L can't even L_L herself.

Our forum rocks!

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

I'm here! I was down at the capitol.

Our forum kicks ass. Especially now that L_L is there.

I do think people need to calm down with the anthrax panic, though. When London was being bombed - real attacks where people had to hide in the subway - people didn't freak out over Sweet N' Low. They got on the roof of St. Paul's Cathedral to save the dome in case of fire. Americans have got to suck it up and be Americans, for heaven's sake.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

True. It seems scarier than it actually IS. I just worry that if it is actual terrorists doing it, I think they're simply drawing our attention away from something much worse.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

They may very well be, which is why we need to face them like Americans, and not a nation of skittish conclusion-jumpers.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Oh, y'all, there's the cutest picture of us on 935. Go see--it's in the Journalcon thread.


-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Okay, you have to admit this is kind of funny - it's from Anthrax.com (the band):

If an Anthrax member gets Anthrax, call Alanis Morrisette. That would be ironic. Don't you think?

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Oh, man. I think that's the funniest Anthrax joke I've heard yet.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Hee. Yeah, I heard that on the radio.

I can't go to 935 at work. Wah.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

And Keli doesn't have any photos either. Hmph.

I want photos! I know that Jessamyn will come through for me. She must!

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Mathletes. What is UP?

My computer is still not here yet, so today I have to work on one of the other Allisons' computers. (I've told you there are 3 Allisons here, right? We're all in the same department - and it's only us in the department with our boss, Clark - and we're all pale, freckly girls and all have the same color hair. They're calling me A.Lo.)

Anyway, she has one of those crazy, ergonomic keyboards and I swear, the thing is ridiiiiiculous. I can't deal with it. Every time I want to type "t," I type "y." It's not right!

So, I marched over to the computer ordering lady and made sure I was getting the carpal tunnel model, because I can't be relearning to type.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Allison, Chris is the Ergonomic Prophet. He thinks his ergonomic keyboard is the best thing ever. He made his secretary get one, and now she is his Ergonomic Apostle.

"Clark and the Allisons..." There's something there, I just can't think if it yet.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

iBook - for all your carpal tunnel needs.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Hee. Y'all check out www.pseudodictionary.com.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Damn, I'm restricted. Whazit?

Reading Emily's recap. . .

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

It's all slang and funny phrases and stuff. Here's one for you, H:

aberzombie - (n) Someone who wears nothing but Abercrombie & Fitch clothing.

ex. Trust me, you're not his type. He's only into other Aberzombies like himself.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Ha! That's too funny. That's like some poor girl in Winnetka thinking she could actualy make it with one of the A&F models, not realizing that they are too family for her.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

That is funny.

People, it is so wet and cold here. I sort of love it, but I'd love it more if I was home snuggly in my apt.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

It's starting to cool down here - I walked to the coffee shop down the street and it was nice and breezy. Ooh - I bought that coat last night. Did y'all know that if you order something from the J Crew catalog at the J Crew store, you don't have to pay shipping? Who knew? I didn't last night, but I know that now.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Ninety offices of Planned Parenthood and at least 80 clinics of the National Abortion Federation across the United States have received envelopes containing unidentified powdery substances and letters with threatening language, according to spokesmen for the groups.

Things like capitalizing on terrorism and widespread panics to further your own, possibly "Christian," agenda really chap my hide.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

L_L? You in here?

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Oh yes, T, me too. It's beyond frustrating.

I'm really fighting the urge to go candle shopping tonight. They weather is cozy-inducing and I really want some pumpkin scented candles.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

It just baffles me to think that people out there actually think that they can further their cause - any cause - by terrifying some poor secretary.

Even Chris secretary gets odd phone calls sometimes - "Is this Mr. Anulewicz's office? It is? And does he open his own mail? Thanks." Click.

The awful part is that the terrorism isn't successful because it's killing thousands of people - it isn't, and it isn't likely to - it's working because people are dailing 911 every time they see spilled salt.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Joh - check your email - I need graphic design advice.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

I wrote you back.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

T hurt my feeling when she no ask AB advice.

I maybe start to cry.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

An Bei, I need rots of herp! I email you save-the-date, too!

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Yes, AB better question answerer than me. She just ask me because I work with all graphic designers. Not because I know ANYthing.

Y'all. Coffee. I have jitters.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

I herp! It distract me from working. Never bad.

Y'all. Me and Omar? Best friends forever. I love that dude. Especially when he talks about me and bacon together.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Because you're bacon's best friend too.

I can't believe you have no gossip. There has to be something. You tell!

I still laugh that they no think An Bei straw chopsticks funny. That's comedy GOLD!

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

I onry ask HB because she sit next to graphc designer.

I can't wait for your feedback. Perhaps I replace fleur-di-lis with double happiness?

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Oh, it totally turned me on when he paired me with bacon.

H! I have the BEST picture of me with the straw-chopsticks. Eating sangria fruit, no less. It is TOTALLY comedy gold. I can't upload them from here, so I'll do it tonight. But it will get done.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

I can't WAIT to see your pictures. I really, really want a digital camera for Christmas.

I just signed up for rudergirl's notify. What's become of me?!

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Here are Rob's pictures:


I love them!

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

He took a lot.

AB you're so fucking cute I can't stand it! I love how you're totally trying to keep your mouth shut as Emily plants one on your lips.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Look at you, all photogenic and stuff!

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Bam! Are you all gone?

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Nope. Still here!

Are you home?

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Still here. I'm hoping to stick around until everyone leaves so I can shanghai the laser printer to print 100 save the dates.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

My sweet and beautiful AB Chao... pictures make me sad and jealous.

Yes, I am home. I hate being separated from MATH all day! So wrong!

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

What are your evening plans?

Lucinda - how she taunts me. She'll be in Atlanta on the 24, but we're planning on goign to see Thomas Friedman that night. What to do?

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

We have no evening plans. We're watching Molto Mario and drooling, at the moment.

I believe the MOC might be getting Lucinda tickets for my b-day, which is the 26th. But I don't know for certain. If he doesn't, and I miss her... well. You know I'll be very sad.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

T - Kimi was saying that Lucinda tickets are nowhere to be found.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Al - how will I EVER top the ferret book?!

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Really? So sad. Al, you and the MOC could always head to the foreign policy expo with us.

Have y'all been out in Decatur yet? If there's no Lucinda available, there's bound to be someone good at Eddie's Attic.

Why must people work late? I have save the dates to print, dammit!

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

The ferret book will undoubtedly remain unbeaten for many years.

If I don't see Lucinda.... people.... I will cry.

If I had my way, I'd see her in Birmingham the night before as well.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

Aaaaaaallllison!!! I miss you! Call me. Call me, call me, call me.

Y'all. WriterGirl. On my last nerve. She SO cannot write a poem about my lover Omie.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

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