''THE severity of GOD''greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
there is the grace of GOD,and also the severity of GOD!! but very few,understand the patience of GOD, and when HE say's enough is enough!! greed preversion pride & atheism,have had there say,now it,s coming that long promised DAY!!''NOAH WAS MOCKED 120 YEARS,THEN THE FLOOD CAME!!! I feel the first raindrop's--only this time it's not rain!!!
JESUS came the 1st time as a lamb=offering grace.
HE is coming the 2nd time as a LION too erase!!
''the stage is set----goodbye 666.
-- al-d. (dogs@zianet.com), October 13, 2001
Jesus would love you bett, al-d, if you'd just take your meds.
-- (thelittle@yellow.duck), October 13, 2001.
I do take my meds=a daily dose of prayer.and ASKING for understanding/and help.
-- al-d. (dogs@zianet.com), October 13, 2001.
the robot known as al-d said:"JESUS came the 1st time as a lamb=offering grace.
HE is coming the 2nd time as a LION too erase!! "
But on the thread where I asked if bin Laden was the second coming, you mocked me!
What's up with that?
-- Outside Observer (just@passing.through), October 13, 2001.
Whose god al-d? Yours? Mine? The guy down the streets? Ya gotta be more specific...
-- Imagine no religion... (atheist@yahoo.com), October 13, 2001.
The One True God of the Bible, atheist.The one who sent His only Son to take away your sins and mine, so that we could be acceptable to Him and live with him forever. Those who won't accept the gift freely given will be utterly destroyed and cease to exist.
Atheist, you're most likely laughing at me while reading this, but regardless of your feelings there is a reckoning to come... understand that you don't have to be found wanting at the judgement. If you have the guts to do so, ask God to soften your heart and reveal the truth to you.
There's no risk in doing that if there's no God, right?
-- zipperpull (*@*.@), October 13, 2001.
Please. I'm all growed up - I don't believe in Santa, the easter bunny or god. If I was going to believe in a make-pretend supreme being, I'd probably go for one with more of a sense of humor. LOL!
-- Imagine no religion... (atheist@yahoo.com), October 14, 2001.