M6 Classic for sale

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread


Great camera. Excellent shape. Made in about 1996. Minor rub/paint loss on battery cover. Very superficial (not thru to metal) scratch on base. Accessory port cover missing. (aren't they all eventually?)

$1050 plus S&H Got the box and that good stuff.

I have this priced slightly below market and am offering it here first because you folks have been so good to visit with. I paid Chatterton about $1200 for it this spring.

I prefer my Hexar RF. My daughter was all dolled up in her formal dress and I missed an entire roll of great B&W shots because---THE FILM DIDN'T ADVANCE. Never again. I loaded and reloaded the film three times, following the ritual and still had this happen.

This is not the camera's fault, its me. I also regularly have the habit of not setting the proper film speed. The Hexar does all this for me. And when the film isn't in right, it tells me.

Some guys can't hit the curve. Others always have ugly dates. Me, I just don't have the disposition to get it right with the M6.

Please reply off the list so as to not clutter up the ng with crass commercial stuff.

-- David S Smith (dssmith3@rmci.net), October 13, 2001


Looks like it's sold. Didn't think it would last long at that price. Thanks, David S Smith 13/0ct/2001

-- David S Smith (dssmith3@rmci.net), October 13, 2001.

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