Anthrax, Cipro & Bullshit : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Last week when the FDA (stupidly) announced their blessing of Cipro the run started. As of today the two wholesalers I deal with say that all oral forms of Cipro are listed as "MFG OUT". Two things sad here. First, Cipro is fairly new as antibiotics go and needed by real people with real infections resistant to the older stuff. 2nd, the FDA didn't bother to mention that older, cheaper doxycycline is equally effective against anthrax bacteria.

Worse is the rampant belief that Cipro or any antibiotic can save you once you show symptoms. The problem isn't killing the bacteria but the toxin it produces and you're probably toast by the time of diagnosis anyway.

Vaccination against a virus (measles, flu, mumps, smallpox, rubella, etc.) is pretty straight foreward. Against a bacteria it can be a bitch. The cholera soup they injected in us going to VN was probably worthless. Current anthrax innoculations are a series of 4 shots over 6 months with boosters annually (as I recall). Nobody really knows if it works anyway.

No. No Cipro at my house. But about them asteroids....

-- Carlos (, October 12, 2001


ps: I'd have tagged this to a thread below cept for our little thread killing friend's new toy.

-- Carlos (, October 12, 2001.


I haven't really read all the references to anthrax thouroughly, but one thing I seem to remember is that if you contract the inhalation kind of anthrax your chances of surviving is very low no matter what antibiotic regimen you are put on. Is this correct?

I know that I should read up on this more but I thought I would take a chance and ask you before the lights go out.

-- Jack Booted Thug (, October 12, 2001.

In addition, indiscriminate use of antibiotics will inevitably lead to more highly resistant strains of the bacteria they fight. This is a truly bad trend.

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), October 12, 2001.

Not to mention all the yeast infections women get from this stuff.

-- (scratch@scratch.scrath), October 12, 2001.

amazed even more by man's RESISTANCE to Prohecy!

when the seal's are broken & vial's poured out-some will get IT.

-- al-d. (, October 12, 2001.

What is a killer of threads?

-- (, October 12, 2001.

-- will this work? (, October 12, 2001.

Somebody needs a new girlfriend.

-- Carlos (, October 13, 2001.

Yeah I could use some stank puss myself. Maybe ladylogic will fuck me till shes raw?

-- yeah (yeahW@kjasd...), October 13, 2001.

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