What the mofo?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : andromeda : One Thread

Empty board eh?

-- KillerCrud (killercrud@hotmail.com), October 11, 2001


Yeah well that would be because the board has been up for all of 2 hours. Woo.

-- Sherry (sherry@masc.ca), October 11, 2001.

I just wandered in here by accident. Does this board have anything do to with the TV show? Cause if it does, Im next to lost.

-- KillerCrud (killercrud@hotmail.com), October 12, 2001.

Actually... No. It has to do with my website and in particular with my journal.

Sorry to disappoint you.

-- Sherry (sherry@masc.ca), October 13, 2001.

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