Where can Iget the entire Dragonball/DragonballZ/DragonballGT series on VCD CHEAP

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Id Like to order them all in one shot,If they speak in Japanese or another language thats ok as long as there are english subtitles please let me know as I have searched and not found much.

-- shane shoemaker (shaneshoemaker@yahoo.com), October 10, 2001


You can get them on ebay or Yahoo auctions. They aren't original vcds though. But very cheap.

-- hirochuu (webmaster@suite253.com), October 14, 2001.


i have all dragonball movies in vcd including all epizode under thai version. if you are interested, please email me. thanks


-- Collectibledragon (jnm62@aol.com), November 22, 2001.

Hi, check out my site: www.24stardragonball.bigstep.com for every dragonball/z/gt vcd with box art too!

-- (okokihadenough@yahoo.com), December 06, 2001.


-- Travis Ford (bev@compuserve.com), August 10, 2002.

Email me for all DB/DBZ/GT & Movies/Special on DVD which the higher quality online...

-- Angel (mbray2@att.net), February 04, 2003.

you can check out auc.buysell.com.my and find member matkoi.

-- (flutedivine2000@yahoo.com), February 05, 2003.

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