Where can Iget the entire Dragonball/DragonballZ/DragonballGT series on VCD CHEAPgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Id Like to order them all in one shot,If they speak in Japanese or another language thats ok as long as there are english subtitles please let me know as I have searched and not found much.
-- shane shoemaker (shaneshoemaker@yahoo.com), October 10, 2001
You can get them on ebay or Yahoo auctions. They aren't original vcds though. But very cheap.
-- hirochuu (webmaster@suite253.com), October 14, 2001.
Hii have all dragonball movies in vcd including all epizode under thai version. if you are interested, please email me. thanks
-- Collectibledragon (jnm62@aol.com), November 22, 2001.
Hi, check out my site: www.24stardragonball.bigstep.com for every dragonball/z/gt vcd with box art too!
-- (okokihadenough@yahoo.com), December 06, 2001.
-- Travis Ford (bev@compuserve.com), August 10, 2002.
Email me for all DB/DBZ/GT & Movies/Special on DVD which the higher quality online...
-- Angel (mbray2@att.net), February 04, 2003.
you can check out auc.buysell.com.my and find member matkoi.
-- (flutedivine2000@yahoo.com), February 05, 2003.