Where can I find VCDs??

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hallo! I come from Germany and here is it hard to find good VCDs in English.Can somebody help me to find a good webpage or adresse where I can buy them?I also would buy copied ones...Thank you!

-- Martin Hüthberger (mc_stylist@yahoo.com), October 10, 2001


Hi Martin, I have bought VCDs from the following companies. They are all reputable and will ship world wide. www.allvcds.com www.vcdgallery.com www.getvcds.com They sell legitimate VCDs, not copies.

-- Jason (Jason.Shumate@equant.com), October 11, 2001.

I have just opened a site where I'm hoping people can seel there own VCD/DVD's.

I have a list of my own I'm willing to send you if you want some films.

Let me know...

In the meantime check out the site: www.cherrydvd.co.uk

-- The Boss (TheBoss@CherryDVD.co.uk), October 14, 2001.

Hey, why don't you try http://www.simplyvcd.com. Seem they are selling original copies only.

-- kevin chan (kevin_c66@yahoo.com), November 06, 2001.

Why not try www.videocds.com, this company establish since 1999 and sell original copy.

-- Mike (sean_mike@lycos.com), November 06, 2001.

There is always www.vcdworlds.com , movies at 10$ , okay so abit high compared to vcdgallery.com, but vcdworlds.com only charge 4 bucks for shipping, yet vcdgallery.com charges 7 bucks.

Plus vcdworlds have an excellent service, always reply fast etc

-- Twister (droopy@hotmail.com), October 20, 2002.


I am able to supply any sort of dvds,vcds,cds and games cds any where in united kingdom,if u feel interested let me know via mail, u can contact me at my e-mail on mughal_enterprises@hotmail.com

regards sam

-- sam (mughal_enterprises@hotmail.com), November 02, 2002.

Any One bought from Mughal Enterpise guy?? Any Experience?

-- checker (test@test.com), July 07, 2004.

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