Professional Development : LUSENET : Middle School Science : One Thread |
Here are some interesting opportunities for teachers to further their science knowledge or teaching skills.1. The American Museum of Natural History is holding a free Open House for educators for their "Genomic Revolution" exhibit. Takes place Friday, October 12 from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Includes guided visit, keynote address, labs, etc., plus distribution of resources. Call 212.769.5200 to register.
2. The Blaustein Conference on Saturday November 17 features workshops on elementary and intermediate level science from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. There is a $15.00 fee, but New Teacher Credit is available. The conference is at Francis Lewis HS in Flushing (Queens) NY. Contact me for registration form.
3. Finally (for now), there is a series of free Saturday morning lectures on "Recent Advances in Science" at NYU designed for middle school and high school teachers. On October 27, there will be a presentation on the question "Did Comets Kill the Dinosaurs?" The seminars are given by NYU faculty involved in on-going research. Other topics scheduled include "Evolution by Cooperation," "How to build a retina for color vision," and more. Contact me for copy of the program.
In our own District 6, there will be a workshop on Thursday, October 18 3:30 -- 4:45, that will address the project requirements for grades 6-8, and will be followed up on Friday afternoon (PD Day -- grades 7-8 only) at CCNY with a workshop presented by the good folks at the American Academy of Sciences. See your Science AP for details.
-- Michael Gatton (, October 10, 2001