Can someone give me some hints on King of dragons? : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread |
I was just wondering a few things about Kod (and the clones) I have watched a few good kod recordings now, and one everyone of them the player refuse to take the powerups. The good layers seems to take only the powerup for the shield etc, not the weapons.Is it better to gain level /points if you do that? I noticed that it takes more shots to kill the enemies at least :=)
I have also tried to find a good gamefaq for kod, but those I have seen are not so good in my opinion.
I bet Hisa can give me some overall tips about the game, such as hints for gameplay etc.
Any information, scoring, level gain etc is welcome thanks!
What character is the best etc.
-- QRS (, October 10, 2001
Try with the faq at ,if you didn't do that already,but it isn't surely so bad;also there should be an old thread in this message board concerning splitting courses on Shock Troopers that talk also for The King of Dragons(sorry,can't remember the name of it)...
-- Kale (, October 12, 2001.
If you can understand Japanese(or have a friend who can),translate by yourself.
Futuu ni kuria sureba 200 manten ni todokanai to omoimasu ga tensuu wo nobasu niha buki no level wo sagete yareba yoidesu.
bosu he no kougeki kaisuuga fueru bundake hiyakuteki ni score wo nobaserudesyou.
sarani tensuu wo toritai hito ha STAGE-6 no saisyo no si-n de toriwo tugitugi to korosite time over ni narumade kaseginukimasu.
ichiban kasegerunoha Elf de 500 manten ijou ikuyoudesu.
--From Gamest vol 58(1991 April)---
as you know,my translation is far from good.
To strike many attack into the boss,you should use weaker weapon.
At the beginning of stage 6,unlimited amount of enemies appear.
kill them until time over. P.S.
to make score, you should not get strong weapon.
but there is only one exception
an attack of the "WIZARD's LEVEL 5 weapon" is weaker than LEVEL 1's .
Of course it is much more useful than LEVEL 1,2,3 and 4.
so,if you choice WIZARD, get LEVEL 5 wand.(it will appear stage 7 or 8).
of course you had not better get LEVEL 6 or stronger weapon.
-- TT (, October 12, 2001.
Jeesh Hisa, don't underestimate yourself on the English there. I think you said what you had to just fine. Just try your best, that is all you can do when you are new to English or any other language. Any chance on you being the truth teller and telling us your link to your site? (like or whatever) Please Hisa. Some of us are getting quite frustrated not knowing what it is :(
-- Joe Ledesma (, October 13, 2001.
Thanks Hisa!I understand most of it. Kanji is harder that this though :=)
Kale:I have tried that gamefaq from and it sucks :(
I guess IŽll have to practice some more with the Wizard again.
-- QRS (, October 13, 2001.
Can some help me on the 99 credits code. how do you do it actualy i have tried and i cant get it to work. i got some stuff of the net and what they say donest how do you select a player after you you use a continue?
-- Fender (, December 04, 2001.