something for all you coders out there,,, : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Bible coding has been going on for years, but this bible code is said to be watertight, i don't have any opinions on it but it could be an interesting debate for any c++ 'ers out there...

911 Codes: Latest Discoveries and Analysis

Below: Updated Table of Codes, New Matrix of Cluster's Center

This report provides an update regarding our investigation of an extensive cluster of codes relevant to the terrorist attacks. This cluster is centered at the beginning of Ezekiel 37, where numerous lengthy codes have been discovered.

What is most striking about this cluster is its location in a chapter well known for its prophecy about the coming back to life of Israel, a nation that did not exist in its own land for nearly two millennia. The prophet Ezekiel, writing approximately six centuries before the birth of Christ, has a vision. He is writing at a time when the nation of (Judah) was in decline and would eventually be conquered by Babylon and its citizens marched east in defeat. He begins the chapter, “The hand of the Lord was upon me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones . . . this is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make you come to life.”

The attacks of terror upon the U.S. are primarily because of U.S. support for Israel, according to declarations from nearly all of the terrorist groups. They have made it clear that the attacks would cease when U.S. support for Israel ended. The location of this cluster of codes again confirms that Israel is what it is about. Another Old Testament prophet said, “Behold I will make Jerusalem a cup of reeling to all the people around . . . on that day I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all the peoples; all who burden themselves with it shall be grievously hurt.” (Zechariah 12:2-3a) Why all of this trouble over a tiny little nation on the eastern Mediterranean? Because many hate God’s chosen people and the USA as its foremost defender.

Saddam's Presence

Another striking aspect of these codes is the repeated, evident presence of Saddam Hussein at the heart of them. His name appeared in this cluster well before it was learned that one of the hijackers had met with an Iraqi intelligence officer in Europe prior to the attacks.

Even more astonishing and intriguing is the simultaneous appearance of Saddam and “terminal illness” in three quite lengthy codes. Two of these codes intersect the cluster at its apparent heart, in Ezekiel 37:2. One is the most significant Bible code ever discovered -- the ominous 33-letter term The Rest of My Terminal Illness is Spreading, Saddam, As If from a Missile Made for You. Where is He? Or, Who is the Tyrant? crosses the cluster at letter number 780931. Another, Saddam, Terminal Illness from Everything, crosses the cluster at letter 780930. The third, Imagine a Picture of Terminal Illness. The Days of Saddam are Over crosses through the next verse, Ezekiel 37:3 at letter 780984, only 53 letters away. There are also a number of short codes for Saddam and Hussein in the immediate vicinity. In addition, there are numerous appearances of the Hebrew acronym for the World Trade Center as an ELS in this area.

We actually found the fourth code potentially related to Saddam and illness before discovering the three above. It reads, This is the King of Babylon, and By the Vomit You Will be Imprisoned. The ruins of ancient Babylon are located near Baghdad in Iraq.

More Saddam Codes

The full name, Saddam Hussein, appears as an ELS only twice in the Tanakh. One of them slices right through the main portion of the 911 cluster. It is seven letters long and appears spreading across most of the books of the Old Testament and touching down in Ezekiel 37:2 at letter number 780935 with a huge skip of 150,684. Sharing this letter number is the code, God Will Ignite the Airliner Fire from the Heart. Just 11 letters away the code Terror Hot in Me crosses the cluster. Place the Gift of Terror is only 50 letters away, and the Hebrew construction indicates that these are words spoken to a group.

Why are there so many lengthy codes that seem to associate Saddam, terminal illness, and the terrorist attacks? While we all can speculate about this, it is important to reiterate that the literal text of the Torah seems to forbid divination, the practice of foretelling the future based on any one of a variety of means. Presumably, this proscription would extend to attempts to use Bible codes to make predictions. In Deuteronomy 18:10, it states, “There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or who uses divination, or soothsayer, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a medium, or a wizard, or a necromancer.” Does God want His people to trust Him about the future, and not seek advance knowledge elsewhere?

One possible exception to this prohibition that we could see would be a situation where several lengthy codes intersected, each of which clearly and unambiguously foretold a future event, and reaffirmed it. Such is not the case in this cluster. The key here is that there shouldn’t be any ambiguity at all in the codes or their stated message. If there is no “interpretation” involved, then arguably there was no divination. This seems unlikely, however, because the very act of deciding where to insert the spaces between successive words involves some choice and judgment.

Bin Laden Involved, Too

Not to be found anywhere in the Tanakh was an ELS for the entire name of Osama bin Laden, partly because the term we searched for is long (10 letters). But there were some Bin Laden codes discovered nearby. The closest, Bin Laden, His Hand, is 128 letters from the center of the cluster. The longest Bin Laden code, Know That the Heart of Bin Laden is Snow, and Silence the Killed, is 223 letters away from the core. Bin Laden, the Innocent is Moaning, He is Gross with the Blood of the Poor, is 669 letters away, and the You Will Spit at Tradition, Al Khada code is 772 letters away from the center of the cluster. These codes seem to form the heart of what may be a different, nearby cluster located in the range of Ezekiel 37:12 to 37:19.

The focal code for this cluster is Where are They? And Let God Not Strike Terror. It qualifies in a number of ways. It is long, with 21 letters, and it has a nice, short skip of 37. Best of all, its content seems to work very well for this cluster, based on our knowledge so far. “Where are They” could refer to the fact that even though war has been declared on the terrorists by most of the world, their location is essentially unknown. “And Let God Not Strike Terror” could be the prayer of many world citizens in the wake of the attacks.

In researching this cluster, our goal has been to find as many long terms as possible and to report our findings here. So we have put off the search for many shorter, one and two-word ELSs in the cluster. But the few we have found encourage us to believe that there are many more there that will reinforce the few long ones. We are indebted to leading Bible code researcher and former college professor Dr. Nathan Jacobi, our Hebrew expert and former resident of Israel, who assisted us with the translations of the codes.

-- Anonymous, October 10, 2001


para sKeptics...

New Evidence Overturns Skeptics' Case Explosive 1,200 ELS Cluster Dwarfs Skeptics' Counter-Example

Opponents of Bible codes say that you can find meaningful clusters in any book. To support their case, they presented an example of a code cluster about Hanukah they found in Tolstoy's War and Peace.

While this example was fairly comparable to clusters Bible code researchers had presented back then, our researchers have unearthed clusters that look like mountains compared to the molehill of the Hanukah example. In this report we present a detailed side-by-side comparison of the Hanukah example and the most extensive cluster researchers have located to date-- the explosive Isaiah 53 codes. In short, what skeptics told us three years ago is now completely out of date.

Rebutting the Skeptics' Likely Criticisms

Let's look at some of the skeptic's likely responses to what we have presented, and consider their validity.

The Hanukah Example Wasn't Intended to be the Result of Exhaustive Searching

While this is true in a strict sense, such a response belies the fact that there is a very serious limit to how many relatively improbable ELSs you can find about one topic in any text if the author of the text wasn't trying to embed them. If the Hanukah researchers were to try to expand their search, they might find a few more ELSs like the ones in their posted example. But only a few. And it is highly unlikely they could find any ELSs much longer than seven letters. And the longer the word, the more unlikely. In general, whenever you locate an ELS that is one letter longer than another, it is roughly ten times less likely to show up by chance. So, a 10 letter long ELS is about a 1,000 times less likely than the longest ELS of seven letters in the Hanukah cluster. And a 13 letter long ELS is about a million times less likely. And so forth.

Bible Code Digest's Citations of "Probabilities" are Invalid

Skeptics may argue that the only context within which a probability has meaning or validity is within a tightly controlled scientific experiment. This is simply not true. Let's start with a very simple example. Take the statement, "The probability that any one flip of a fair coin will result in 'heads' is 50%." That is a true statement where a calculated probability has validity and yet no scientific experiment has been performed. Instead, the probability was based on a priori assumptions that are well known and undisputed.

The probabilities that we calculate regarding any specific ELS when we assign a rating to it are no different in nature than the 50% probability of a fair coin yielding 'heads.' They are answers to the question, "What is the probability that the given ELS will cross any specific, randomly selected 1,000-letter long section of text in the Tanach?" The only difference is that the math is more extensive. Just like the coin flip situation, all we need to do is apply some basic algebra and probability theory to determine what the chances are that the given ELS will show up. The math used was developed by a veteran mathematician with 27 years of experience, and it has been validated by a statistics professor. Click here for more information.

Bible Code Digest's Use of "Statistical Significance" is Invalid and Misleading

Here the skeptics would be resorting to a narrow technicality that they are trying to incorrectly generalize to all situations. It's more than a bit like a crafty lawyer who gets a hardened criminal off the hook by using a legal technicality. Everyone knows the guy is guilty, but he gets let off anyway.

So what kind of technicality are we talking about? Because we have made a few simplifying assumptions, it is true that the probability we have calculated is not exact. What they won't tell you, however, is that the probability doesn't need to be exact, because all we really need to know is whether the cluster is statistically significant. If your standard of significance is odds of 1 in 1,000 and you can show that something has odds less than 1 in 1,000,000, you have shown its significance. It doesn't matter that we can't tell you exactly what the odds are as long as we can show that the odds are far less than 1 in 1,000,000.

BCD's Findings Should Be Rejected Because They Haven't Reported All of the ELSs They Looked For and Did Not Find.

We have such a list (with 75 ELSs we didn't locate in Isaiah 52-53) and would be happy to send it to whoever requests it. We haven't included it in this document because it is already too long and we don't have a listing of the ELSs that either Yacov Rambsel or Grant Jeffrey looked for and did not locate. In spite of that we included their findings, with some deletions because of marginal Hebrew spellings or usage. What we have done instead is to go way overboard in using excessively strict assumptions when calculating the odds of chance occurrence of a cluster similar to the one we have detailed. We have assumed that for every ELS we did find, that there were 16 others that we didn't find. That's going to an unreasonable extreme because the reality is that we found about 80% of the ELSs that we searched for.

Only Findings Drawn from Scientific Experiments Are Valid.

Visit any good museum and you will see a collection of testimonies that this assertion is not true. Much of science consists of observation, measurement, recording and categorization-without any scientific experiment being conducted. Rocks are weighed, chemically analyzed for their composition, and measured on a hardness scale. Fossil samples are tested for age by various dating methods. No experiment was conducted, and yet science is steadily advanced by these approaches. We are taking the same approach to Bible codes. We assess them in terms of their relative rarity or commonness and also factor all of this into the odds that an entire cluster (or one similar to it) could appear by chance. By so doing, the scientific study of Bible codes is advanced.

Many skeptics would have us believe that the only way to do anything scientific is to conduct an experiment. But experiments are, by their very nature, designed to test the operation of some universal law. If Bible codes are valid, they may well not be the result of some universal law, but rather of intentional, unique placement.

To say that the only way to properly evaluate Bible codes is to conduct an experiment is a bit like saying that the only way to find out whether any dinosaur bones exist is to conduct an experiment. Randomly pick 1,000 different locations and dig pits five feet wide by five feet long by five feet deep, and see if you find any dinosaur bones. That's no way to determine whether any dinosaur bones exist. The way to determine that is to go to a site where someone claims to have found dinosaur bones and to examine those bones and dig for more. That's the kind of research we are doing with codes.

Bible Code Digest's Hebrew is Improper.

Dr. Nathan Jacobi, physicist, Hebrew teacher and 25-year resident of Israel, has accepted the appropriateness of the Hebrew spelling and grammar we use. Dr. Jacobi, a self-described secular Jew, is eminently qualified to opine on these issues.

We Couldn't Duplicate Your ELS Findings.

Our research was conducted using Bible Codes 2000 software, which was produced by Computronic Corporation in Savyon, Israel. This software uses the Koren version of the Hebrew Bible, which is widely considered the most accurate version available today. There are some letter differences between the Koren version and other versions.

If nothing else, a common sense look at the comparisons in this article should overcome these possible technicalities.

Even if you remove some of the pieces of evidence because you don't agree with their appropriateness, or we have perhaps made some error, there is so much evidence remaining that the conclusions are the same. The Isaiah 53 cluster is real.

-- Anonymous, October 10, 2001

I find it scary that people actually believe in this tripe (not saying you do by the way, Swift). It's the sort of b@ll@cks that people use to influence the easily led, and taken to it's extreme, is not dissimilar to the sort of mumbo jumbo that causes people to crash jet liners into buildings thinking they are doing it on behalf of a greater power etc etc. Taking issue with specifics:

"To say that the only way to properly evaluate Bible codes is to conduct an experiment is a bit like saying that the only way to find out whether any dinosaur bones exist is to conduct an experiment. Randomly pick 1,000 different locations and dig pits five feet wide by five feet long by five feet deep, and see if you find any dinosaur bones. That's no way to determine whether any dinosaur bones exist. The way to determine that is to go to a site where someone claims to have found dinosaur bones and to examine those bones and dig for more. That's the kind of research we are doing with codes. "

Not comparable at all, as it's not the finding of the object that's the issue, it's the analysis of what it is and what it means. The scientific analysis occurs after the bones have been found, and involves all sorts of controlled experiments to determine what the bones are, how old etc etc. To me, the fact that they chose not to see even that simple issue of the validity of controlled experiments, makes the finding of codes more than questionable.

-- Anonymous, October 10, 2001

Oh no.....someone else apart from me read this waste of a thread :((

-- Anonymous, October 10, 2001

What the fux a bible code ?

-- Anonymous, October 10, 2001

Thanks PB... I was too shy to ask and couldn't be arsed to read through all that guff above...

-- Anonymous, October 10, 2001

Bible code my arse

-- Anonymous, October 10, 2001

The code for Perth is 0011 - 61- 08 then the number.

-- Anonymous, October 10, 2001

it is actually bi-blec-od-e from a Turkish/Persian dialect used in the first millenia.

The bi translates directly into the "two" recognised by western civilisations.

The blec is a regional word without direct translation but probably closest to meaning "facing"

The od and e can be separate words meaning "ox" and "cattle" or more often "bull", but in this are used together to mean bullocks.

-- Anonymous, October 10, 2001

Gus, my fone doesn't have a "-". Do you have an alternative?

-- Anonymous, October 10, 2001

I did read through all that guff.

What the fux a bible code ? :-))

-- Anonymous, October 10, 2001

Have faith, Pet Belly.

-- Anonymous, October 10, 2001

Screacher, my phone does not have an "f"!

If your phone does not have a - just leave it out!

-- Anonymous, October 10, 2001

i find the bible itself questionable, code within it is just more of the same

-- Anonymous, October 11, 2001

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