crochet tam : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Does anyone have an easy pattern for a crocheted tam. I have instructions for a knitted one but my daughter wants one that is crochet. I have looked in the stores and have had no luck.

Thank you in advance.

-- Cordy (, October 09, 2001



I went in search for a crochet tam pattern and found a "Scottich Tam for Women or Men" for you in the "" website links. Here's the website address:

Hope this helps.

Sherrill Cabin in the Woods Farm

-- Sherrill in Graham, Washington (, October 09, 2001.


Thank you. I really appreciated the effort.

-- Cordy (, October 09, 2001.

Cordy, Go to Free Pattern Beret and scarf set. sally

-- sally stanton (, October 09, 2001.

Cordy- Reader's digest complete book of needlework had a "beret" pattern that might be simaler to the Tam that you want. This book should be in your local library, but if you can't get it or if you want the pattern, post an answer and I will e-mail it to you. K.

-- Kelly in Ky (, October 09, 2001.

Thank you everyone for the sites and info. I went to crochet partners and printed a pattern and will do lionbrand next.

-- Cordy (, October 10, 2001.

any easy anyone can do it crochet hat is to make five granny squares,whipstich together with one in the middle and put a row of double crochet then single crochet at the bottom.I use handspun and make some really interesting hats.Takes me about 1.5hours to make one.Terry

-- Terry Lipe (, October 10, 2001.

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