Git...are you going to take off the password...TB2 is "Server too busy" and there is NO ez boards to go to!!! : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
-- Anonymous, October 07, 2001
Could do that, yes, if problems result, we'll just put it back on.
-- Anonymous, October 07, 2001
Second thought--NO. Let's go to the preps forum, okay? Too much personal info here and LL is on the loose.
-- Anonymous, October 07, 2001
ok, but I can't get to any EZ boards...
-- Anonymous, October 07, 2001
LL is super on the loose. The number 1 target of her hatred is apparently Ken Decker.She is in rare form. At one point she was accusing someone of being a sysop on the old forum, and then said in just about so many words "well, if you're not, then you have to be Ken Decker." Say what?
-- Anonymous, October 07, 2001