BIN LADEN LOOKALIKES - Placed in Afghanistan : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Sunday October 7 6:59 AM ET

Bin Laden Look-Alikes Placed in Afghanistan - Paper

DUBAI (Reuters) - The brother of Afghanistan's late opposition commander said in remarks published on Sunday that Osama bin Laden has doubles traveling around Afghanistan to confuse people over his whereabouts.

``The latest report we had a few days ago locates him in Jalalabad. But we know that he has several doubles -- individuals who look like him and travel in Toyota convoys like him -- to foment confusion,'' Ahmad Wali Masood told Saudi Arabia's English-language Arab News daily.

``A few months ago we had reports of four Osama look-alikes in different locations at the same time,'' said Masood, the brother of the legendary Ahmad Shah Masood who was assassinated last month.

The United States has named Saudi-born bin Laden as prime suspect in the September 11 attacks and has vowed to flush him and his followers out of Afghanistan where he is being sheltered by the Taliban movement.

-- Anonymous, October 07, 2001


I have read that Saddam uses quite a few lookalikes for the same purpose.

-- Anonymous, October 07, 2001

Speaking of Saddam, during the Gulf War, my mother had a birthday coming up, and I thought a Saddam Husein car seatcover would be a perfect gift. The driver sits on Saddam's puckered visage. She said she didn't want one. Women, who can figure them.

-- Anonymous, October 07, 2001

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