Convert Quicktime movie to VCD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Is it possible to convert a Quicktime movie file on a PC to a VCD format so that it can play on a DVD player?


-- richard Merino (, October 07, 2001


I've read that it is possible to do this. has a guide to converting between various formats that might help you. Quicktime has poor quality (Real Media is worse though), so don't be surprised if what you convert doesn't look very good on VCD.

-- Jason (, October 08, 2001.

You can use "smartvid.exe" to convert it to Avi file, then use TMPGENC to convert to either PAL or NTSC MPEG format. Once it is done, you can use any CD burner software like Nero to make VCD.

Pls understand that MOV files are usually poor in quality.

-- SY (, August 28, 2002.

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