Pipelines for Peace??

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Sorry.. couldn't resist a facetious title..There is a great post by charlie over at eurorealist.. with a lot of newsreleases which detail the players involved in building the NG line through Afganistan..

Sorry the post is way too long for a rookie like me to screw around formatting for this board

here are the links.. it's eurorealist board at smartgroups



Message # 7918: Date Posted: 03 Oct 2001 18:03:16 by Charlie

When black gold is involved, the fuel of islam, greed will come first, the taliban crushed, all & any significant religious leaders silenced. Bin Liner and his assorted trash are just about to be tossed into the great US dumper truck for a crush and dump op

-- Anonymous, October 07, 2001

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