I Strongly Dislike Muslims!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Another brillant statement from Ladyillogic: The Scretary of Dumb Statements!

"Look, I hate arguing this side because I strongly dislike Muslims."

I'm not prejudice, I hate everyone!


-- (ilubeveryone@luball.net), October 07, 2001


If you were a woman, you might strongly dislike Muslims too, at least the Talibanesque ones.

-- Lars (lars@indy.net), October 07, 2001.

I dislike "strong" Muslims.

-- (Mr Clean@Tidy.bowl), October 07, 2001.

strong Muslims strongly dislike you too

-- San (he_mail@pakistans.com), February 09, 2002.

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