Things we're not hearing about - update from my son : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Had gotten an e-mail from my son tapped out on his Sprint PCS shortly after the attack that they had temporarily suspended Seal training in San Diego... finally heard from him. Here's what was up with that... He told me that 2 of the hi-jackers had been living in the San Diego area and that the reason his training was on hold was because some Arab had somehow got hold of the Seal Trainee uniform and was trying to pass himself off as a trainee.

He said they thought he was just another trainee until he was arrested and that there was never anything in the news about it, but that he's not there now.

They're still on alert, but the training has resumed. He said there's a destroyer based off shore and they have military fly overs on a regular basis now.

Out of the 260 young men who he started with, 142 made it through buds phase 1 (which includes hell week)... pretty good numbers, normaly they wash out 75% that week, but his group went through it shortly after the attack, so motivation was pretty strong...

He's in the combat scuba phase now, and from his estimate, with the other schools he still has to go through, he won't be deployed for combat until July.... big sigh of relief, I was afraid they would try and compress training and send green kids into Afghanistan. By the time he's ready, we should have a better idea of what conditions are going to be...

Wonder how many other cases of terrorists stealing military, police, fireman, etc., uniforms for whatever reason? Trying to infiltrate a Seal facility, now that's something else scary...

-- Anonymous, October 06, 2001


Sounds like they need to beef up security at laundries and dry cleaners.

Glad to hear your son won't be deployed anytime soon--that is really good news :)

-- Anonymous, October 06, 2001

Carl: It's VERY easy to obtain a military uniform. I have seen them in military surplus stores and in many thrift stores. I mentioned it to my husband how easy it would be for a terrorist to get a uniform from these places. Also, anyone can break into a dry cleaners and steal police, etc., uniforms. Just recently they caught someone impersonating an airline captain, they used a stolen uniform.

-- Anonymous, October 06, 2001

Hopefully, word has passed around the appropriate channels... you see some one in uniform, and you don't immediately identify them, be suspicious until you've verified ID and what they're up to...

So many things in our society, being so open, where we're vulnerable...

Once the military strikes begin, be on guard, they'll be doing their best to retaliate. I think Bush taking his time and being so deliberate and cool-headed has thrown them off... they expected a Clinton style impotent fireworks show, to signal a massive wave of retaliatory terroist attacks, and a stirring of hostility against the US that already simmers in many parts of the world, including our own backyard. Instead, they see a coalition forming against them, followers quietly being rounded up, their former backers slowly begining to realize the depth of our nations anger and determination, and so withdrawing their support and havens. Crooked bankers are also begining to come out of the woodwork, their commission's no longer good enough for the potential risk of being equated with the terrorists for looking the other way.

-- Anonymous, October 06, 2001

Agreed, Carl. Some pundit somewhere said the same and that Osama expected immediate heavy retaliation which would turn the whole Muslim world against the west and launch the massive jihad he wants so much. That theory makes a great deal of sense to me. This quiet, covert war (which is driving us all nuts 'cause we really do want to see them fireworks!) must be a source of great irritation to Osama. I don't think he had a Plan B.

But the second wave terorrist cells are still in place--and waiting. . .

-- Anonymous, October 06, 2001

Agreed, I think we'll see something in the next few days though, not spectacular, but something CNN worthy to placate those who don't understand we're in a chess games as much as a war... Bush has no choice but to launch some sort of strike in order to ease the bloodlust many Americans are feeling... I'm sure it will be accurate, justifiable, and to the point.

Thank God Gore isn't in charge...

-- Anonymous, October 06, 2001

Carl, there was a good interview on Fox earlier, if only I could remember which show, sorry. I'm sure it will be repeated a few times. The interviewee was a former SAS guy who fought with the mujahadeen against the Soviets and he was very matter-of-fact and forthright in his opinions, extrenmely believable. He said the Taliban has or will run for the hills, the west should take the cities, hold them and feed the residents, give them medical care, win the hearts and minds of the people. The Taliban would be starved out and would have to surrender or die. He said there is no way that even Special Forces could do their thing, citing the tunnels and caves. I well remember the "Tunnel Rats" we had in Viet Nam--what was their life expectancy? About a week or something? I wish I had been able to watch the whole thing and take note of the program title. If I see it again, I'll post it here.

-- Anonymous, October 07, 2001

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