Bring it over here, : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
OK, punk. I understand why I intimidate the crap out of you. I am the opposite of you in every way. You are wrong about everything you ever think, and no two people could be anymore different than you and I.
You can post with my handle...I don't care. People who know me, know the difference.
You can spam my e-mail, it only takes two seconds to block the IP address.
One thing you can never do, is have respect.
Go live with your dreams of MD 80's falling out of the sky - and all the other nightmares that go on in your head. You have no power over never will.
-- (, October 04, 2001
Heres the cool part you stupid "wanna be" lame ass cunt.I can post as both of you and fuck the WHOLE board up.
You have no idea the amounts of time I have on my hands to play.
This whole premise of a board that requires no registration is idiotic anyway. Want to play my game???
Love always,
Not Hawk Or LadyLogic.. but fucking up anything in my way
-- hawk (, October 04, 2001.
LadyLogic is Hawk and Hawk is Ladyillogic.
-- (x@x.X), October 04, 2001.
LadyHawk was a pretty good movie.
-- (what@i.think), October 05, 2001.