Hey Mannygreenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
We haven't heard much from you lately and we miss you too. WHAZZUP Bro?
-- Danny (your@nicer.brother), October 04, 2001
Danny, been busy bro
-- Manny (no@dip.com), October 05, 2001.
Hawk, as most people, I realized in 1999 you are a mental midget.
However, I'm curious: Are you retarded and bored, or, are you stoned and bored?
-- (LadyLogic2000@yahoo.com), October 05, 2001.
Actually, he's stoned and impotent. You would have a bad attitude too if you couldn’t 'rise' to the occasion. Of course, you are exempted from this condition Laura. Now you know why he hates the ladies.Just My Opinion
-- Just (my@2.cents), October 05, 2001.
Ooh, ok. Now I understand. That certainly makes sense. He does have a problem with females; now I know why.
Thanks, Just.
-- (LadyLogic2000@yahoo.com), October 05, 2001.
At times it is silent, at times it is not
at times it sneaks out and burns oh so hot!
When I'd like it to happen, it just won't come out
it hides and it waits till I'm out and about!
The evil ones reek and embarrass me so
then laugh as they trail me wherever I go!
I know it's a function I can't live without,
but on a first date must they really come out??
I light mine on fire - it amuses me so
why try to be quiet so that no one will know.
I can't figure why after eating good food
the smell that results has killed many a dude!
So here's to my fart, my warm smelly friend
it begins in my tummy, then come out my rear-end!
-- (LadyLogic2000@yahoo.com), October 05, 2001.
Manny sucks shit!
-- Boswell (fundown@thefarm.net), October 05, 2001.