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My computer has three times had a very loud high pitched sound coming out of it. Each time I turned off the computer and it was aokay for a short period. This came up while computer was loading after I shut it down: Hardware momitor found an erro, enter Power Management Setup for details. What happenning with my computer??? Where is the DEL, it said to hit? There it goes again!

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001


DEL is your delete key. Some computers have you hit that key when you start to load to get into setup.

It could be any number of things, so I don't want to speculate.

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001


Just from what you have said, I have two guesses.

First - the fan could be going bad (least expensive).

Second - the hard drive could be going bad.

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001

I finally hit delete, out of frustration...before I read these replys. amenue came up, I went to the Power Management Setup and didn't know what the heck to do from there. So, got got out of it and the loud noise came again, I shut off the computer thinking it might be the fan. Let's hope that's is all it is. I just put the computer on before I came here, so I'm crossing my fingers I can read a little news tonight, hoping it will be okay or at least until I can get call a tech and maybe have him come over to fix it. With all the news today, I don't want to go cold turkey.

Thanks for the replies.

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001

I sure hope it is not something hard to fix...Urgh...I hate that sinking feeling when you just KNOW you'll be out a computer for awhile!!!! will pray it is something easy to fix.

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001

Thanks SAR. So far so good, it hasn't gone crazy on me yet. Bad storm going through right now and I know I should turn off the computer, hehehe, not yet.

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001


Most computers have two fans - One on the back at the top (power supply)where the plug to the wall goes in and another on top of the processor. It could be just a simple cable rubbing against the Processor fan or either one could be failing.

-- Anonymous, October 05, 2001

Thanks excop, I haven't been on that long today because my phone was out of order. So far, it hasn't acted up again. I will know more when I have been on for a while and the computer has had time to warm up a bit more. I have had a stack of papers on top of the computer box and laying next to the side of it for some time now. I took all that away from it, just in case that added to any problems that I was having yesturday (sp?).

-- Anonymous, October 05, 2001

Maggie, do you have a backup computer? If not, will you want additional ways to get the word in case something breaks that isn't in the news? I'd be glad to help out in that way if you're interested. You can reach me at

-- Anonymous, October 05, 2001

Thanks Brooks for the offer. Git has a way of contacting me in case of problems. I really appreciate the offer. I think it's time for me to think of finding out what the best lap top to buy, that is under a thousand dollars. I just hate to put money out right now for it. I might call the tech guy Monday and talk with him about this one.

-- Anonymous, October 06, 2001

Sounds like a cpu fan alarm to me... Especialy since it sends you to the power management area, which usually has the temperature monitoring contro;s. They're cheap, a couple of bucks, problem is, a tech will charge you $70 labor to "diagnose and repair" the problem. Take the case off and run like that, until you can find a friend who is comfortable replacing the fan for you, if you don't.

It's about on par with having a fuse burn out in your car, and about as easy to fix... but if you don't have a clue, the mechanics, and techs, have their quotas to meet..

-- Anonymous, October 06, 2001

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